
Wednesday 12 September 2012


Morning lovely crafters and dear WOYWW friends. Is it really time again  for that lovely get together of friendly desks? These weeks just fly by. If you haven't discovered this wonderful place yet, then what are you waiting for? Pop over to see our Desk Headmistress, the lovely Julia, HERE, but be warned it's totally addictive once you start.

I'm afraid my desk is an absolute tip today. I hang my head in shame. I am madly finishing off some DT work and always think of one last thing to do even though the envelope should already be in the post!!! Why do we do it to ourselves???

I wasn't tipsy when I took the photo, it was just very early and I don't think I was properly awake.

To prove that we've had Summer at last I took some photos on Saturday afternoon in the garden and thought I'd share them with you. I love teasels, although they can be a bit brutish and take over but aren't the seed heads amazing?

Here's DD in her favourite spot ( my deck chair) with her nose in a book.

Short and sweet from me today as I'm off to do some work experience this morning. It's 11 years since I did any proper work and I need to get back to it but have realised how rusty and lacking in confidence I have become so I'm going to practise in DD's old Primary school office for a while. I'll try and pop by and say hello later in the day

Thanks for stopping by and have a Crafty Wednesday


  1. Hope your office time goes well, your desk looks fab to me and great pics too! Take care Zo xx 109

  2. I just love the pic of F in the deck chair! Summer is fading fast, in fact it didn't shine in the first place but that pic is just lovely and captures a special moment. We had heavy HAILSTONES yesterday! as well as glorious hot sun and rain!!
    I hope you get back into work soon but what a good idea to have a refresh taster in the school. I stayed at home whilst mine were little and it was the best thing I ever did.
    BTW... that desk certainly is't a mess!
    Looking forward to my crafty weekend and hope one day to meet up with you too!
    Lots of love Jo x

  3. Hi there Lisa,
    ah you are busy again and on the run!! love the sculptural shape of the thorny monster in your garden, hope the work was fine and not too hard first time around after a long time away from it - your garden is a pretty picture too and love the sneak peeks cards down below!
    Thanks so much for popping over and thanks for sharing ~ happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz. x #25

  4. Your desk isn't messy...just busy!
    I too love teasels and finally got some to grow this year so at least something has gone right in the garden this year. Bees love them!
    Good luck!
    xx 127

  5. Good luck with the office time. It will be good to get back into the swing of things! Teazles are fascinating - I made a lovely machine embroidered one - must search it out and show and tell!! x Jo

  6. Such a lovely photo of DD in the deckchair in the garden, so sweet.

    I dont think your desk is messy, just creativity in action and that is acceptable.

    Happy crafting
    Eliza #90

  7. Hi Lisa. Hope the work experience went well. It's been lovely to some sunshine hasn't it, lovely blue skies! Definitely a bit autumnall here today! Jill x

  8. Thanks for sharing your desk with us...I always love a nosey at other peoples work areas!! ;)

    Your other photos are fabulous, especially your DD...what a fab pic. It would be perfect for a scrapbook L/O!!

    Hope you're ok and the work experience went well ~ I have every faith in you that you'll be great!! Good luck hun...
    Love and hugs, Emma xx

  9. Desk is looking good to me, and I love your photos capturing the last of the summer sun... good luck in your return to work - what a good idea to blow the cobwebs away somewhere friendly first! Happy WOYWW!
    Alison x

  10. Lovely pics this week - I adore the one of your daughter've got to scrapbook that or frame it. Absolutely gorgeous!
    And I love the teasels too..they're so sculptural. They look fab against the blue sky. But autumn is definitely on the way, it was freezing on playground duty today!!
    Hugs, LLJ '73 xx

  11. Such a cute pic of your daughter in the chair reading!! Thanks for sharing your desk and visiting me today1 Sarah x #125

  12. love the see pod photos. Tidy kind of desk. work always comes back to you.
    Monica 131

  13. ...Lisa your desk looks very tidy I'm not sure which bit referes to the tip...loVe your teasles standing proud and DD looks very content with her book, thanks for stopping by me and have a super rest of week...mel :)

  14. Lovely pic of your DH in the deck chair...Good luck with the back to work day!! Have a happy week, Hugs May x x x#65

  15. I love the photos, the macro shot of the teasel looks amazing but my heart soared at the picture of your daughter curled up in the chair with the book, you framed the shot beautifully! waving the #50 from the hills of North Carolina :)

  16. Hello Lisa ... your desk is much more interesting than mine! .. My grandson in staying with us for a while so I cannot craft... My desk is tidy and my head is full of stuff I want to get on with! x
    Your samples for Sheena are superb and the other work on your blog is beautiful. Thanks for finding me..cos now I have found you... Your comments made my day xx That Fiona is a star too!
    Eileen xx

  17. Great to see your creative space Lisa and mine looks like that too most days. Love the teasel photo, they are so beautiful aren't they and captured against the blue sky they look great.
    Hope your work experience goes well.
    Happy WOYWW and hope you are having a good week.
    hugs {brenda} xox

  18. Hi Lisa,

    What a CUTE photo of your daughter! Love her little toes!

    Your desk looks just fine to me - no apology necessary.

    Thanks for stopping by my place already!

    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs, Kay #31

  19. Gorgeous pick of little feet poking through the flowers! I feel very out of the work vibe too and it frightens me to think of going back to work at some point (so I don't think about it and try to find money in the street!)!

  20. Just look at the beautiful Blue sky!
    I’m impressed that you have extra ideas at the last minute Lisa, it’s far better than sitting scratching your head trying to think of something to do in the first place, which would be me.
    Good luck with the work experience.

    Thanks for stopping by this week and good luck in my Candy draw.

    Happy Crafting!

  21. Lovely photos Lisa, even the tipsy one, lol! OH and I went down to Hitchin (Nr Luton) last weekend and I say a whole bank of teasels which looked lovely. ....... didn't have my camera handy though did I, :(? Love the photo of your daughter especially ...... what a perfect spot to sit and read.

    I remember the 'going back to work' thing well and I'm glad I don't have to face it again. At the time home computers weren't the norm and I felt so inadequate with regard to the advances in technology whilst I'd been working from home for 14 years. I picked it up quite easily once I got into the work environment though so I'm sure you'll be fine.

    Lesley XX

  22. Ohhh you have triffid like flowers in your garden as well. RosC worked out what my plant is called "Veronica Spicata" and I think it originated from the UK! It all comes full circle. Have a lovely week.

  23. Hi Lisa, lovely photos of summer ... I hardly recognised myself, we're still waiting here :) Hope the work placement is going well and you are feeling your feet again. It can be nerve-wracking going back to work but it is surprising how short a time it takes to fit in and feel at home - and just imagine the kerchink as your salary plops into your back :)) Elizabeth xx #11

  24. love your workdesk! love that shot of your cutie reading her book..

  25. Thanks for sharing your space and I've checked out Brenda's candy!Tamika #162


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