
Wednesday 5 September 2012


Morning lovely Crafters and WOYWW friends. Blimey, is it Wednesday again?????? Something like normality has returned to The Craft Garden. DD started Secondary school yesterday and all seemed to go well although all they did was learn about procedures I think. She looked soooooo smart in her new uniform and all grown up. Trouble is her very first lesson ever today is PE, can you believe it, so there's no knowing what she'll look like when she gets home tonight. Yes, that is just a Mother worrying!!!!

It's another beautiful morning here in Yorkshire, it looks like Summer has finally arrived, and there was sun shining on my desk when I took this photo earlier although you can't really tell.

I've not much to show this week. Just some quick cards from a QVC kit I bought a while ago to bulk up the cards that I have for sale. They have been sadly neglected of late and need refreshing.

I also managed to finish the LO I was working on last week so thought I'd show you the finished thing.

Nice and brief this week, I've so many things to catch up on and am desperate to enjoy some of this sunshine  so I'll be round to see your desks hopefully a bit later on.

If you want to share your desks, big or small, messy or neat, then pop over to see the Desk Headmistress, Julia, the lady who keeps this rowdy rabble of WOYWWers in order, HERE.

Thanks for stopping by and have a crafty Wednesday.


  1. Lovely to see the finished LO. Just knew those colours would look fab together. :-)
    A x #85

  2. Quite a tidy desk! LIke the look of the doors on the card front.

    ** Kate **

  3. Hiya, its been a while but it's good to be back and taking a peek at your creative world again. Looking busy and fun. Hope you have a good week and enjoy the glorious sunshine too.
    Neil @ 62

  4. It's trying to be summer, but it's strange down here. there's quite a chill breeze cutting through the sun rays!!
    It's really strange to be back at work, I'd forgotten the levels of energy that you need to be at when you work with kids!! Still, needs must.... but it's seriously interfering with my blogging!!!
    Hope your daughter is doing ok at her new school :D
    Hugs, LLJ #81 xx

  5. I guess your girly is home now so I hope she had a fab day. Its such a big deal for us as parents too isn't it?! Love the finished layout.

  6. Fab LO. Lol us mums and school hey. My boy is yr 9 now but I still worry! He came home with dirty trousers and a bloody knee, fell over on way home! Ah well no PE here till next week. Take care Zo xx 98

  7. Your workspace has great light. Your cards are wonderful and your blog is lovely. Have a nice WOYWW. Frances #75

  8. HI Lisa,
    lovely to catch up with you. Isn't it strange we worry every time our kids start a new school, I am sure she will be fine and will enjoy it.
    Love your vibrant layout and thanks for sharing your creative space and for visiting me today. I had a great time with my sis, came back with some stamped card and ideas for projects lol.
    Happy WOYWW
    hugs {brenda} xox #147

  9. Looks a creative hive there and I love you LO. We should enjoy this weather bonus out in the garden as it won't be long before the dark nights.
    I'm doing really well staying tidy as it's a few weeks now. The incentive was that Donna wants to come and learn silversmithing so the place has to be clear and tidy so we don't set it alight!
    Jo x

  10. Hi Lisa, so nice to see your desk with the sunshine on it. I see you've got a roll of the spider web stuff too - I can see it being useful for all sorts, including Halloween which is coming up soon.

    My granddaughter started secondary school this term and so far all is going well - term started a couple of weeks ago up here - she has bonded with a girl from the same village so that's worked out well.

    Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment. Happy WOYWW, hope you have a lovely week. Elizabeth x #90

  11. Fabulous layout love the colours & design... sunshine whoo-hoo.. I had last week annual leave and it Have a happy week, Hugs May x x x#5

  12. Hi Lisa, thanks for dropping by me, works in progress and so neat and tidy too, your card is looking fabby so far, hope your Daughters first day went well...have a super week...Mel :)

  13. Bright and cheery layout - great colours! You live in a lovely part of the country! jenx

  14. Hope you made the most of the sunshine today Lisa. Tempting to play in the craft room I know but that's always going to be there - the sunshine isn't.
    Beryl xx

  15. Hi Lisa

    I hope your daughter got OK back at school. I can't ever remember having PE in a morning at our school all those years ago .. .. it was always in the afternoon. Thinking about it now I wonder if the teachers worked part time.

    Lovely goodies on your desk. You will be starting all those Christmas cards soon.

    Love Jules xx

  16. Hi Lisa,

    Nice punches on your desk. And love the scrapbook page - especially the photo with the arms up in the air!

    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs, Kay #15

  17. Great LO and you have used such lovely bright colours which just scream summer.... stunning. First week of spring here and today was so warm I think we will fry in summer. Hope she enjoyed the first day.
    Sandra @144

  18. I love the colour palette of the cards you’re working on Lisa, soft dusky Pinks are always pretty I think.
    Your LO turned out really well too. I know last week you said you were worried about the colours but they are perfect and your LO looks great.

    Thanks for stopping by this week.
    Happy Crafting!
    Sue @# 117

  19. Busy looking desk and a very cool LO.
    Happy belated WOYWW!
    Tertia #70

  20. Fabulous colourful layout! Belated happy WOYWW!
    Alison x

  21. Hi Lisa
    Hope Freya's first week has gone well. Meg has just started year 11! time goes so quickly. Love your beautiful layout. fab colours!

  22. Fabulous layout, Lisa.
    Hope to see you make some more.
    I am just back from my very well earned week in beautiful France.
    I am so grateful for scheduled posts on blogger! I wanted it to tick over while I was gone.

  23. Hi there Lisa,
    You know the blogland is is a funny place have rather belated popped over to you blog and you know where it led me??
    First over to Brenda's lovely blog cos of the yummies posted on your sidebar then found her even yummier work and then found the CI blog and so spent about 15 mins before making it back here again but feeling the richer for it..
    So thank you, dear blogging friend, and of course your desk is sooo today too and also so interesting..
    Mm, interesting looking punches, and so glad you have had some sunshine over there - any spare rain you can head over our way!
    Thanks so much for popping over and thanks for sharing ~ happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz. x #48


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