
Wednesday 29 August 2012


Morning lovely Crafters and dear WOYWW friends. Woo hoo I'm back and raring to get snooping round all your lovely desks. Boy have I missed my weekly does of WOYWW and all the friends I get to chat with on a Wednesday. If you want to join in then pop over to see our Desk Headmistress, Julia, HERE.

So, without further ado, here's my desk this morning.

I have a mountain of photos of scrap after our holidays and I've made a start with one of our favourite days when we spent the day racing down a mountain on a summer tobaggan run. Great fun. I want to use bright colours and love this bright orange, not a colour I use very often but am taming it down slightly with purple. I'm going to paint the corrugated cardboard with purple H20's, well that's the plan anyway.

I'm keeping this brief just for you, Julia so that I can spend more time catching up with everyone so see you soon.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great Wednesday.


  1. Fab holiday snaps Lisa and your choice of colours to LO them with.
    A x #68

  2. Orange and purple, never a bad combination.

    ** Kate **

  3. Great colours Lisa, I love orange. Glad to see you scrapping again.

  4. Yay, you're back!! Missed you....

    Let the orange be bright and free!! Team it with purple if you like but keep the orange as it know you want to.. *grin*

    Hugs, LLJ #71 xx

  5. Fabulous cheery summer colours for the holiday layouts - they're going to be great! Happy WOYWW!
    Alison x

  6. Can't wait to see the result when you have finished Lisa!! Jill x

  7. Love the corrugated card and the texture underneath, looks fab! Trish #89

  8. That sounds fun Lisa!
    . I must admit, Orange isn’t a colour that use very often either but your LO looks to be coming together very nicely and I love those colours together.

    Happy Crafting!

  9. Thanks for visiting me! Your scrapbook holiday layout is going to be awesome! Sandy Leigh #39

  10. What a fab layout, enjoy using your pics! Take care Zo xx 118

  11. Great bright colours there Lisa and it always brings a smile to my face when I am scrapbooking the happy times!

  12. Great page, love the bright colours (My DH's favourite Orange and Green) BJ#35

  13. fab bright colours on your Lo & texture . happy crafting jill#51

  14. Lovely to see you back at Woyww. Great lo and I like the colour combo. I see you have your nifty cd H2o's all ready to go. The ATC you sent me is gorgeous and the stamp you used was lovely. I think purple might be one of my favourite colours. Thanks for stopping by.
    Sandra @20

  15. Hi Lisa, love those colours together, so rich and vibrant and I really like using corrugated card to give some dimension. Thanks for your visit earlier. Crafty hugs, Anne x #32

  16. Hi there Lisa - ah some really scrummy thing here today! you have same small cutting guillotine as me, exact same colours!
    Thanks so much for popping over and thanks for sharing ~ happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz. x #28

  17. Lovely LO. I love orange, but never really seem to use it, I wonder why? It looks fabulous!
    Happy very belated WOYWW!
    Tertia #49

  18. Good for you getting it scrapped straight away. I have photos from the last proper vacation - 3 years ago. That I still haven't scrapped.
    Great layout and color choices on the page too.
    Sorry so late, the start of the school year made for a very hectic week.
    Katie #158


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