
Wednesday 2 May 2012


Morning lovely Crafters and dear WOYWW friends. Wednesday again. I know we all say it every week, but these WOYWW days seem to come round faster and faster. It's probably because there are so many desks to get round these days, it takes the whole week to see at least half of them, which I am very proud to say I nearly did, the first time ever. I really don't know how people visit everyone. Do you ever sleep????
If you haven't yet discovered this phenomenon and want to join in, then pop over to see the desk Headmistress, Julia, HERE.

Before we start, help yourself to a sweet. I see I'm not alone in my sours addiction.

Here is the bomb site that I laughingly call my desk this week.

I'm in the middle of making a background, which involves stamping lots of things, ripping them up and then gluing them back together. Sound technical enough for you???  This gluey mess is drying before it gets a coat of gesso. It will be beautiful in the end I promise.

As so many of you asked, here's one of the finished Flower Fairy cards from last week.

My big key also caught your attention. It came from the Italian Dolomites last year. Some people bring back postcards but I just loved this and it will always remind me of a wonderful day in the mountains. It says Passo Pordoi on it which is one of the highest passes we went over.

 And lastly, I am trying to be brief, honest. Julia spotted my hidden stash of posh chocs.

These were from another holiday. This time in Austria in 2010. If any of you have been you'll know they have yummy Mozart chocolates which have marzipan inside. We always bring back several packs and this is the last one which I'm saving. Not sure what for yet though.

Right, I'm off to get a fresh cuppa and start some desk hopping. If I start now I might at least get part way through by next Wednesday.

Thanks for stopping by and Happy Crafting.


  1. Yum, thanks for the sweet, super card too and your background is intriguing to say the least. Love that idea, stamp, tear and stick, might try that! Take care & enjoy this week's WOYWW offerings! Zo xx 68

  2. Will save my sweet for later [I'm just eating my toast :-) ]. Chocolates from 2010!!!!! what control you have. Thanks for the show and tell of the fairy card...It's gorgeous.
    A x #60

  3. Wow Lisa - that background looks like a lot of ripping and sticking?! Love your finished card too.

    I'll pass on the sours thanks but adore those Mozart chocs too :)

    Happy WOYWW, Di xxx #49

  4. I love the idea of the background, I may have a go at that myself!
    Laura 100

  5. Chocolate and markers doesn't get better than that. I think you have all your taste buds covered. Your background is looking very interesting and that is a gorgeous flower fairy card.
    Sandra @96

  6. Oooh I love sours too! That background is looking good - love the card too - thanks for popping by my blog. Sunshine Girl no. 29

  7. Hello Lisa

    Could be my desk with lots of lovely inky messy goings on and the munchies fit my style as well.

    Very pretty Flower Fairy card, like the circle in the circle effect.

    B x

  8. Ooh those sweets make my teeth stand on edge!!! The background looks amazing!!! Love it hugs trace x 40

  9. Yum - those look like my sort of chocs! The fairy card is pretty and I really love that key. My dad carved me a wooden one to hang my keys from - he used the old church key as a pattern. It's loveely and always makes me think of him when I hang up my keys! x Jo

  10. Background looks promising, I must have a got at that too. BJ#18

  11. Now that background looks like fun, you should explain the technique. Also thank you for showing your finished fairy card, she is really beautiful. I asked for you to show.

    Eliza #19

  12. Love the art project on your desk, it looks really intriguing and a really gorgeous card :)

    Have a great WOYWW and a lovely week, hugs, Karen xx #12

  13. Gawd, how can you save chocolates? They wouldn't last a moment with me! lol fat little thing that I am too...well we see why now! Love the key, I never bring home post cards, always prefer something I can use! the fairy card is lovely, love your layout, very pretty! thanks for stopping by my blog, waving hi from the beautiful hills of North Carolina :)

  14. am intrigued by your background,looking forward to seeing the finished article
    thanks for visiting my blog
    have a fab crafty week and
    happy woyww
    kay #38

  15. Hi Lisa,

    I do love sours -- they look so yummy!!! The chocolates look great too. I keep chocolates in my frig so when I want a bit of something sweet I just pop one in my mouth. Nothing as decadent as yours, but it gets the sweet tooth taken care of.

    Your card is very pretty, by the way.

    Thanks for visiting me already!!!


  16. Haribo tangtastics my favourites!!! Hugs Pam x

  17. Haribo tangtastics my favourites!!! Hugs Pam x

  18. ...I loVe the harliquin design which you have running through your collage and am really looking forward to seeing this piece finished :) fabby fairy card too...wishing you a happy crafting week...Mel :)

  19. I have a sweet tooth so am drooling at your post and loving your wonderful key holder! Your table looks really productive!

  20. I have a sweet tooth so am drooling at your post and loving your wonderful key holder! Your table looks really productive!

  21. Hey Lisa!

    That background looks verrrrrry interesting! How odd- my boss brought back some of those very chocs from Austria recently, they're a bit moreish.
    Thanks for visiting me today. Happy WOYWW! Lisa Sparkle :)

  22. Eeeuuuww, no, not marzipan, but yes to a fresh cuppa. I'm intrigued by that background - looking forward to see the finished article. #57

  23. ooh love flower fairies - they are so pretty and cant wait to see that background finished
    Lisa x

  24. Thanks for the sweet Lisa but I'll just have one... oh well if you insist!! Julia always notices the unusual don't you find? Must be something to do with her view of the world.... Hope you get through a few desks, I usually manage around a quarter. Happy WOYWW and thanks for choosing to stop by and see me. Cindy #65

  25. Love your desk... the key is fab!!! gorgeous card and would love to see that background your working on..... chocs would not last 5 mins in my craft room!! Hugs May x x x#32

  26. believe me, your desk is not a bomb site! The card is beautiful and I am looking forward to seeing the results of your inkiness. I wouldn't manage to save those chocs! very tasty, but I'll let you keep the sours!

  27. You can keep the marzipan sweets - I'll have the sours anytime! Have you had the Piggy Tails from M&S? Mmmn! My "treat" when I go quilting as I go past M&S! Hee Hee!!
    Beautiful card there Lovely Lady. Liking your key too!

  28. Didn't get round to any desks yesterday as I was out, gallivanting, so catching up a bit this morning.

    I'll pass on the sours, bought some last week and they are not for me, but the chocs look good, go on then, pass them over.

    Thanks for calling by yesterday - much appreciated.
    Ann B

  29. My mouth is watering for those chocolates (I'm a chocoholic). I am really interested to see how that background comes out and that card is gorgeous.
    Thanks for the tips on storing and using my new H2O's.
    Have a great week.
    Von #3

  30. Love the fairy card and the gluey strips on your desk look interesting - love to see the finished project - thanks for sharing - Hazel #10 x

  31. What a great key looks awesome. :) Sandy #109

  32. lovely to see your great goings on Lisa! Some interesting stuff there. I think those Mozart chocs will be too stale now to eat so I think you'd better pass them on so I can try them out for you! Heh heh!!
    E had a great day out but all have to save the surprise for a while yet!
    Jo x

  33. Oooh, Lisa I think I need to go to Austria ............ just for some of those marzipan choccies. I love them especially if the chocolate is dark.

    That background you are making looks fab already. Can't wait to see what you do with it.

    Lesley Xx

  34. Ooh Mozart's Balls!!! Love em ;)
    xoxo Sioux

  35. Gosh, you must be strong willed to save those chocies! Me, never!
    Love the key, I have one similar waiting to go up (local garden centre though) outside but as usual - waiting.....
    Love the huge background piece - what a brill idea.

    Sorry I am so late, life just got in the way - thanks for visiting me - Hugs, Neet xx #27

  36. Yum, I absolutely adore marzipan chocs, I am on my way to your neck of the woods. I love the Dales too, having spent three years not far away at Bingley College. In our first year, we did a fortnight camping just outside Grassington, and was totally hooked by the area from then on. Hope your weather is better than ours. have a good week. xx Maggie #93


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