
Wednesday 25 April 2012


Hello lovely Crafters and dear WOYWW friends. Here we are at Wednesday again which can only mean one thing. It's time for some desk nosiness. If you want to join in this Wednesday tradition then you need to pop over to see our Desk Headmistress, Julia, HERE and get yourself on the register and prepare to meet some fantastic and varied crafting desks and their owners.

This is my first post on the new fangled Blogger so I hope I've got it right, it's taking me some time to find my way around, I don't know about you but it all seems a bit confusing at the minute.

I thought I'd show you the other side of my desk this week. I'm in the middle of making some Flower Fairy cards that were printed from a CD. DH brought home a new wireless printer some time ago as our old one had a bit of a mind of it's own. I had several inks to use up for it and so printed off loads of photos and paper and images which was a rare treat as I'm normally quite careful with the amount of ink I use.

You might also be able to spot my guilty pleasure, the bag of Sour chewy sweets, which I love. There is one glaring omission though, the ever present mug of something. I need to put that right straight away!!!!

Well, that's me for this week so thanks for stopping by. I'm off to spend a lovely hour or so now seeing what everyone else has been up too.

Happy Crafting.


  1. Hope we get to see the finished fairy cards :-)
    A x #38

  2. OOoooo *jumps up and down* please can I come and help you cut out?? It's one of my favourite things. I could be with you in about 4.5 hours, M1!!!
    If your weather is as atrocious as ours, I hope you'll have a great time today dealing with that lovely little lot :)
    Hugs, lLJ # 33 xx

  3. A great desk this morning Lisa, you look very busy cutting all your decoupage. I love the fairy images and do hope we get to see the finished cards as they will look fab :)

    Have a great WOYWW and a fab week, Luv Karen xx #75

  4. Lots of cutting out to do there I see! Have fun ;)
    xoxo Sioux

  5. Lisa I am soooo with you on those sour sweets - Haribo are yum - far too good for Glad to see your desk is looking busy mine is sadly lacking at the mo. Between cold ridden children and Reubs being away on buisness struggling to get studio time. I am dreading working with the new blogger, it's been complained alot about in the posts I've read this morning! Cheers Claire x

  6. love your nice long workspace and lots of light flooding in too. I love snipping out too - wishing you luck with Mr. Blogger...Have a creative week and happy WOYWWing... Sarah at 12.

  7. Fab pic, I love printing off lots of sheets and then cutting them out and playing. Great fun. Take care & enjoy WOYWW. Zo xx 77

  8. I love the giant key on your wall,

    dx @108

  9. I feel like I'm looking at a different room! Great spot and great shot! I too love sour sweets.... have you ever had the ones that are graded 1 to 4 for sourness!! EEEK!
    Trouble is that once the outer sherbety stuff goes, I need to eat another!
    Shame you missed the giants but don't miss the programme...
    Love and hugs
    JoZarty x

  10. I'm scared of the idea of a wireless printer - what if it goes elsewhere?!! As to those sour sweets, I can't get enough once I start on them.

  11. I'd love to see those finished cards. Looks like your going to be busy cutting out all your fairies. Thanks for giving us a sneaky peak at your desk. Michelle #82

  12. Thanks for the view - you have been busy with all those little images. x Jo

  13. I love fairy cards, looks like lots of cutting to do, please show the end result when the cards are made.

    Thanks for sharing.
    Eliza #26

  14. Happy Wednesday! Your desk looks nice and crafty with a lot of fun going on.

    Happy WOYWW

  15. Hi Lisa busy as always! Wish you hadn't said about those sour sweets, now I am going to have to buy some!! Your fault! We have has appalling weather over the past 24hours has it been bad your way? Jill x

  16. Busy desk, would love to see the fairy cards.... Hugs May x x x No10

  17. You are going to be a very busy girl, methinks. Thanks for visiting my blog and Happy WOYWW, Anne #61

  18. I've had a good nose around your workdesk and I can't wait to see those finished fairy cards!!

    It took some time for me to get used to the new blogger but I think I'm ok with it now...we're getting on like old friends! lol
    Hope you are all well.
    Love and hugs, Emma xxx

  19. Love your background! Looks like pretty fabric :)
    I love sour gummys too. But when I craft I usually have chocolate or coffee :)

  20. I switched to the new interface some months ago, and must be used to it now,, when I switched back to try to fix my scheduling prob, it looked about old fashioned...but I'm pretty ambivalent about it long as I can post, fix and adjust!!
    Lots of cutting to do Lisa, good grief. And I spy not just a bag of sours (blurgh...pulling a face just thinking about them!)... Isn't that the neck of a rather nice bag of chocs?

  21. Oh fun that you got all these print off sheets to play with. I totally understand the need to use up the old printer ink; that stuff is expensive. Have fun with your cut outs and happy fairy card making.

  22. Lisa looks like you've got a great production line going, happy WOYWW, hugs Erika.

  23. Your desk looks great, nice to see the other side.

    I keep reading comments about Blogger having changed, - mine changed ages ago, but nothing new since then.... keep checking as I see more and more comments about it, but nope, still the same as it has been. Do they change it batches I wonder? Anyway, your post seems to be alright

    Happy WOYWW #34

  24. A desk full of fairies - what more can you ask for? Really like your promarker storage!! TFS DCindy #43

  25. great looking desk and I love those fairy prints! Looking forward to seeing the cards! Have a great week and thanks for commenting on my blog! Vickie #41

  26. Give me your addy as I am coming round to visit! That is one HUGE bag of Haribo!! Loving the key on the wall too!
    I have been dancing again tonight and have not put my desk up as I knew I wasn't going to be home much. By Saturday evening I will have been dancing 4 times this week! I should be skinny but alas not!
    I hope I haven't "made" you spend money on a new stamp, but I do find Kaisercraft reasonable for their stamps. Paperarts had them which is where I bought mine on a rare visit!

  27. The new blogger suddenly appeared on my blog last week in the middle of typing up a post! I had a dizzy fit!! it wasn't showing me anything I could understand, I couldn't find my post or if it had been saved, I was honestly completely baffled!! After three hours (this was after midnight!) I found the change it =back button and so far, touch's not changed back again!
    I LOVE that key on your wall, I can see that being very useful!
    Thank you for my snoop! Have a lovely crafty week! Happy WOYWW!
    Late this week! #102

  28. I know what you mean about being frugal with the printing ink, I've always been that way and it would feel like a party if I printed in color at free will! can't wait to see your cards! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina #139

  29. Lovely blog, Lisa! I foundnd it QUITE overwhelming at first - still do at times. You have a great work area with a window and lots of awesome images!

  30. well that was the first thing i spotted on your desk the,fab key and wall hanging too,enjoy your cutting out and thanks for visiting me
    have a crafty week and
    happy WOYWW
    kay #98

  31. Nice busy desk there - love the big key on the wall. Thanks for visiting me.

  32. Happy WOYWW. My eyes were drawn to that huge key with some yummy artwork hanging from it.

    Have a great day.


  33. Hi Lisa - ah, decoupage - fab! So satisfying when it turns out well - make sure you show us the end results.

    My card today is one of the trickiest I ever made using decoupage :( Oh, and those wedding invites are finished, plus the rain still piddled on down here all day yesterday :(

    Belated Happy WOYWW. Di xx

  34. Had a closer look at your photo and the fairies are gorgeous, such vibrant colours. I have the same trouble with ink, I only use it when I have to. I have two printers, one good one with really dear ink and a cheapy with cheaper ink, so I use that until I get it right, then only one print on the dear one.
    Have a great week.
    Von #65

  35. I swapped to the new Blogger a while ago, strange at first but I'm used to it now. Don't know why cutting out is so relaxing but it definitely is so you must be feeling very laid back after all the cutting you have done. Bet the cards are super pretty.

    Thanks for visiting yesterday. I'm doing a bit of catching up this morning as it is a very rainy day.

    Ann B

  36. The flower fairy print look so sweet. I am sure my daughter had some books with similar pictures (I might just have to do some photocopying). Enjoy your sour lollies and I agree a drink to imbibe while crafting is always necessary. Sandra #17

  37. I always love to see what you are working on. I have never ventured into creative DVDs as my printer is so rubbish. I would be interested to know which printer you use Lisa...we are long overdue a new one and I'd like to be able to print text onto card stock and to print from CDs

  38. Hi Lisa, love your other desk, lots of lovely light coming through the window. Those fairies are going to keep you occupied for some time to come - look forward to seeing the finished projects. And, before I forget again, love your shabby chick card in the previous post - gorgeous. Weather here is awful again today but the pines are still standing - a bit of a miracle I think as I've heard that down the south of Wales and further there has been some damage done! Thanks for dropping in and leaving a comment. Hope you have a lovely creative week. Elizabeth x #113

  39. hi your blogs.I see the fairies have taken over....hope you also have a glass of wine now and again!

  40. Seems we all are waiting for you to finish your fairy cards and showing them off. Great work space and I also love the key on the wall. Thanks for your visit. #58

  41. Fabby Fairy 'Fings' can I come and play? Just love your part of the world. If I didn't have another son, lovely DIL and two gorgeous granddaughters I would be movin up there in a jiffy. Thanks for sharing and for visiting me. Anne x

  42. Thankyou for passing by your workspace looks lovely and busy
    have a great week x

  43. Your work space looks so inviting and I love the flower fairies. I really like the art on the wall - looks very interesting from afar!
    Thanks so much for popping by and hope you have a great week!

  44. Very nice key on the wall!
    Thanks for sharing your desk.
    Susan nr 92, WOYWW

  45. I think most of us love whimsical fairy art! Have fun with yours and thanks for sharing your desk with us! Rainy weather is a good excuse for staying indoors and doing art! Thanks for visiting my desk!
    -one of the other Lisa's :)

  46. Those Flower Fairies look great. Hope you are going to show us some finished cards.
    Happy belated WOYWW

  47. Hi, Lisa. Thanks so much for visiting me this week. I am loving your workspace. The big key really caught my eye. Ali x #89

  48. Can't wait to see the finished cards. #121

  49. Those fairy cards look nice - will you show your finished ones please?
    Yes, I find Blogger (new) ok but do I really have to tick each comment before it can be published - where is the "All" button? Did you find it?
    Sorry I am so late - you will see why in my next WOYWW posting. Thanks for visiting and for sharing. Hugs, Neet #3 xx
    ps last call for my blog candy - closes tomorrow

  50. Ahhhh - 3D decoupage. Always fun to do, and truly lovely these days now we have shapeabilities and nesties for matting and layering, eh?

    Thanks for sharing your space!

    Morti #69

  51. Apologies for the late visit to your desk! You seem to be doing better with Blogger than me, hoping to upload what I want this week, rather than what I am able!
    I love sweeties too X

  52. Hi Lisa, thank you so much for your lovely comment about Ken and Mary. Crying as I type but really do appreciate it so much, Hugs, Di xx


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment. I love reading them.
