
Friday 6 April 2012

Just Add Vellum

Afternoon lovely Crafters. I think we have had three seasons in one week here in Yorkshire. We started off with Summer at the weekend, followed by winter on Wednesday with snow and biting winds. I've never known such an icy wind, it's flattened all the beautiful Tulips but hopefully they will recover. And back to something near warm sunshine again yesterday. That sneaky wind was still there but if you stayed sheltered in the sunshine it was beautiful. Let's hope the Easter weekend is kind to us all.

Now on to all things crafty. We have the theme of Vellum this time at The Stampman and here's my DT project.

I knew I wanted to make some vellum flowers, something I discovered quite recently and absolutely love and originally made a huge flower with all the Tattered floral dies but soon realised it was far too big for this lovely Stampendous stamp so I went with just the tiniest one but frilled all the edges to make them look a bit different.

The yellow panel is embossed vellum run through the Cuttlebug and then inked over with distress ink, which is what I used to colour the image before adding some glossy accents.

The rest of the DT have come up with some gorgeous ways of using vellum so it's well worth popping over to the challenge blog for a peek and Mrs Stampman is offering a £10 voucher for the winner as always.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you all have a lovely Easter. I've seen the Easter Bunny hopping about already laden down with all things chocolaty so I'll be sure to send him your way.


  1. Gorgeous, Lisa! I love it! Very Spring like and the lovely vellum flowers are so delicate and pretty. Seen a fair few Easter bunnies myself, recently!

  2. Love the way you have used the vellum on this gorgeous card Lisa. The small TH flowers look so pretty with the extra frilling, and the embossed layer is fabulous. Love the image and the fresh Spring colours - simply divine!

    Have a good Good Friday! - Sylvia xx

  3. The weather has been much the same here Lisa and we had a -7 frost last night again.

    But you cards has a real feel of warm Spring days, very pretty.

    Have a good Easter break.

    B x

  4. Have no idea if my last comment saved Lisa, Blogger seem to have a hissy fit on yet again.

    We had a -7 frost again last night and as you say a mixture of seasons all thrown together.

    But a lovely warm Spring card.

    Have a good Easter break.

    B x

  5. Afternoon Lisa and Happy Easter to you! I am not very good with vellum, so maybe I ought to have a go.

    Weather has been very mixed here as well (shh... could actually do with some warm rain..... for the garden of course!)

    Jill x

  6. oh i love the vellum flowers Lisa .. and the gorgeous Lily image. So pretty
    We had snow Weds am .. 3 inches ... then by lunchtime it was sunshining!!
    Lisa x
    ps Have a wonderful Easter weekend

  7. Hi Lisa,
    This is a lovely card and I love the embossed vellum inked up. Lovely image and colours, giving a great spring feel.
    Hope you have a great weekend.
    Avril xx

  8. Oh Lisa, this is absolutely perfect for Easter and such a beautiful card! It's so pretty and elegant...beautiful work, as always!!

    Thank you for being so lovely and caring over the last few weeks, you've been a wonderful friend and I appreciate it all!
    Happy Easter to you and your family...don't eat too many choccie eggs!! lol.
    love and hugs, Emma xxx

  9. These flowers look fabulous on your gorgeous card Lisa.
    Have a Happy Easter weekend.
    hugs {brenda} xox

  10. Has something I've never seen before here too this week. The kerria in full bloom, then a near gale blowing the heads off till the grass looked like it was covered in dandelions. Weird weather and plasnt seasons!
    Your card is beautiful - it's a gorgeous stamps and your pretty vellum flowers finish the card off beautifully.
    (My knees are complaining today after all that salsa on Wednesday and Zumba on Thursday.
    Beryl xx

  11. Hi Lisa. This is stunning - absolutely beautiful! Gorgeous colour scheme.

    Very mixed weather up here too, but at least we didn't get the snow this week. Hope you have a Happy Easter.

    Hugs, Lynne x

  12. Happy Easter Lisa. Indeed the weather is BIZARRE!!! That icy wind has dropped here today so off to the garden centre for compost and pea shingle and a few aliums and campanula for my little border.
    This card is really exquisite!!! What a beautiful stamp and your little vellum flowers are very gorgeous.

  13. This is stunning Lisa. I've been making vellum flowers for some other projects, they are lovely aren't they. And another stamp to add to my wish list, it's getting longer and longer lol.
    hugs Kimx

  14. Hi Lisa, I'm finally having a mahooosive hop tonight having a good look back at all the gorgeous creations my favourite bloggers have been posting over the past few weeks. You have far too many lovely makes since my last visit for me to comment on in one night but this one is a stunner. What a beautiful main image and your colouring is gorgeous as are the pretty little flowers. Love the pics of your greenhouse and garden. We have loads of ladybirds too which should mean less greenfly, etc., I think :-)

    Lesley Xx

  15. What a treat today to catch up on all your wonderful creations Lisa. I just love the duck image - how fabulous is that. I hope you had a wonderful Easter and that plenty of chocolate was consumed.....Cheers Claire x

  16. Hi Lisa!! I'm waving right back atcha!!!!

    Love the card! xxx

  17. Hi Lisa, Another wonderful card!! Your colouring on this image is wonderful and the alterations to the flowers works a treat. I hope you had a good Easter with lots of chocolate and fun,Gay xxx

  18. Gorgeous design, Lisa.
    I'm sitting this one out as I went away fro Easter & had to go straight back to work on my return. My commission work is urgent now I have taken two weekends off (I was too ill the week before!)

  19. Woweeeeeeee Mrs! How did I miss this beauty? This is absolutely stunning Honey. Well done!
    I laughed at your recent comment, Hubby never sees me now - I am always in my craft room!! Though I think the greenhouse is a little warmer! Just need my kettle and radio down there! LOL!

  20. That's a fabulous card, love the color scheme. Great spring feeling.


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