
Wednesday 28 March 2012

WOYWW 147-Oh Happy Days

Morning everyone. Aren't we a lucky lot then here in the UK basking in this glorious weather. I love the sunshine, it just makes you feel happy and even happier when it's WOYWW, the best day of the week.

If you're wondering what I'm going on about , then pop over to see our Desk Headmistress, Julia, HERE for a great snoop around some fantastic workspaces.

I shall do my best to follow orders and be brief. No craft desk from me this week, ohhh no. I've spent every spare moment outside so hang the housework and the crafting, my workdesk has been in my greenhouse and at the garden table with a book so that's what I'm sharing with you.

As you can see the greenhouse is extremely untidy, it's a case of cram as much in as you can. We don't have the luxury of a garage so it's home to all sorts of things as well as plants. I have lots of baby seedlings popping through as well as all the overwintered plants.

As I mentioned in my last post, we are over run with ladybirds at the minute, I've never seen so many and here's one snoozing in the sun very early this morning.

And just to wave you off with a smile as you continue desk hopping this lovely Wednesday, our little Almond tree burst into blossom yesterday. The blue sky makes it look a picture.

Thank you for stopping by and for all the lovely comments you leave. Enjoy the sunshine.


  1. I'm just enjoying a coffee break while my little munchkins take their nap so thought I'd catch up with a few of my blogging friends and check out what you've been up to this week.
    So lovely to be able to enjoy the sunshine at the mo. It was saying on the telly last night that there is a shortage of ladybirds so you must have them all :-)
    A x

  2. What a fab greenhouse, bursting with fresh, fab! I'm no gardener but love seeing such greenery. Take care & enjoy this weeks snoop of WOYWW desks. Zo xx 77

  3. Great post, you look as though you are busy preparing for your garden! I love the almond tree blossom, its so pretty :)

    Have a great WOYWW and a fab week, Luv Karen #91

  4. What a great green house! If only there was space in our garden...

  5. Beautiful blossoms Lisa and like you time in the garden wins over craft at the moment.

    B x

  6. Ahhh - in your element I see Lisa! I have always wanted a greenhouse but have never had a garden large enough lol!
    Yes indeed the weather is devine and long may it last. Amazing how a few days of sunshine can bring out the leaves and flowers in a man rush!
    I shall be purchasing the plants for my empty borders this weekend so hope the weather lasts for use to get them planted.
    Enjoy your garden.

  7. Don't you just love the sun!
    Must get planting some seeds this weekend if I can ;)
    xoxo Sioux

  8. WOW Lisa, fabulous photos, love your untidy greenhouse (that's how they should be isn't it? LOL )I've seen much untidier than yours though LOL!! Fabulous photo of the almond blossom, I always worry for the ladybirds, that tune runs through my head and I picture the little house in flames, just shows you what a woos I am LOL. Have fun in the sun, hugs Gay xxx

  9. your greenhouse looks so inviting! not sure if a greenhouse is suppose to be organized it takes away from the natural beauty. have a great day thanks for sharing

  10. Hi Lisa, everything is beginning to look rosy in your garden! I have got lettuce and radish up, some peas are just poking through and a bit of spinach. Planning to get tomatoes, peppers, aubergine and cucumber plants at the weekend. The greenhouse is bare but prepared!! Think I might have to cut my grass for a third time this week as well - its growing so well! Its all go isnt it! Hope you and yours are well. Jill x

  11. I love lady bugs and I sure could use some right now, my succulents have had a bout of aphids, which I think I have under control right now, a little worried about my sedum recovering though :( LOVE the picture of your green house, sure wish I had one of those. I'm also got some seedlings popping up, just not the volume you have. Also, that top shelf has some precarious placed plates, hope they don't fall! waving hi from my balcony in the hills of North Carolina :)

  12. Two years ago, I sold a gold chain and bangle which bought me a new greenhouse!! What a bargain that was - I've spent loads of time in there. I'm always happiest when I'm up to my elbows in compost :)
    Hugs, LLJ #74 xx

  13. what fabulous pictures,thanks for sharing,have a great week :)

  14. I'd love to be in your greenhouse with you right now. It looks so lovely, tidy or not. Lots of life happening in there.

  15. Its definitely the best place to be right now!
    LOve the pics
    Lisa x

  16. Now I'm missing my greenhouse! I used to spend hours in there. Never actually got round to taking any piccies though. Thanks for sharing these lovely photos with us.
    Beryl xx

  17. What a fabulous greenhouse you have bursting with plants and life. You must be a brilliant gardener. Thanks for sharing your desk. Oh lovely ladybug....

    Happy creating

  18. Beautiful pics, this weather is fantastic long may it last.... Lovely ladybird... Hugs May x x x No14

  19. Well I guessed you'd be enjoying your garden with this lovely weather and your photos are lovely. Hope your Hoya plant is still thriving. Mine is just starting to bud again.
    Thanks for sending such great weather for my little Fraulein's visit. It was wonderful to see her and she is such fun and so lovely. I thought of you and sent you a mental thanks as we picnicked in the park.
    Would really recommend the Safari Park and you could double up with a visit to nearby Croxteth Hall ( and see me too!) for a good all round day out.
    Looking forward to the next girlies visit now!
    Lots of love Jo x

  20. Wow! That is one busy greenhouse!! We are busy working on fixing up my greenhouse!! We have had it for about 6 years and not much glass is left!
    Had to move the veg patch as the chooks have taken over the one I have been working on getting good for the last 15 years!! Oops!! Had my first lesson in using a rotavator yesterday!!
    Beautiful photo of that almond blossom! You should see my craft room for ladybirds - they overwintered between the two windows! LOL!!

  21. WOW! what beautiful blossoms...

  22. ...gosh that is a very busy greenhouse but don't you just loVe growing and nurturing something from seed...I get a lot of ladybirds indoors they come every year, where from i have no idea...thankyou for taking the time to see my desk Lisa...have a loVely weekend...Mel :)

  23. How lovely to have a snoop around your greenhouse, what a stunning ladybird photo, thanks for sharing x
    Sophie no.183

  24. Hi Lisa, I do keep an eye on you chick but don't always have time to comment :( But your little visits are so welcome and appreciated - and I did snort at the wino typo earlier :) Have corrected this comment three times already! ZZZZZZzzzzz Di xx

  25. look after your proper English ladybirds, Lisa. They are being killed off by the foreign ones who are taking over. Your greenhouse is so full and busy, I thought mine was full, but yours is stuffed (and the water butt sprang a gigantic leak today just after it was filled up). Thank you for your visit and I am glad to report that the bees are diminishing and Flash is feeling much better. Have a good week. xx Maggie #7

  26. Beautiful pictures! I adore this time of year for the natural wonders.


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