
Wednesday 14 March 2012

WOYWW 145 & A Pink Face

Morning lovely crafters and WOYWW friends. Wednesday again and time for a good old snoop round every one's desks.

Here's mine of about 5 minutes ago. I'm at the dining room table again as I need lots of space this week. I'm in the middle of a spraying frenzy for some DT work so no ones allowed to use the table at the minute. Hubby is highly delighted as that means tea on his knee watching Eggheads. It doesn't take much to keep him amused!!

These sprays should carry a health warning I think though. Yesterday I was merrily using a bright pink one and had forgotten to put my rubber gloves on and my hands got absolutely covered. I went and gave them a good scrub but the pink remained. Well never mind, every crafter has messy hands, thought I. It wasn't until I'd eaten my lunch and gone upstairs glancing in a mirror on my way that I saw that no only were my hands a lovely shade of Fuchsia pink, so was my face and my jumper!!! Good job no one had come to the door!!!

Today I've been using lovely blues but am suitable protected in every way. Here's one of the lovely backgrounds that you get when you add salt to the sprayed paper. This has to be my favourite technique at the minute.

If you want to join in this weekly outing of workdesks, then pop over to see our Desk Headmistress, Julia, HERE and get desk hopping but be warned it's highly addictive!!

Just to cheer you up if you haven't got the sunshine we were faithfully promised at the weekend but now seems to have disappeared into mist I thought I'd share with you this little beauty. My MIL gave me a pot with some leaves in last year and said it was an Orchid she'd been given but had now gone over. I've never grown Orchids before but someone said to put it in the bathroom which is what I did. It sat looking forlorn on the window ledge for a few months and then just before Christmas a stem appeared and then these beautiful flowers. It's only tiny but has now been flowering for about 4 months and it's certainly a cheerful sight to greet you every morning.

Well, I'd better get back to that spray, look out!!! Have and great Wednesday and thanks for stopping by.


  1. I'm chuckling at the thought of your pink face [sorry]. I'm sure it will fade with time :-)
    A x

  2. Great looking and creative space this week, thanks for sharing. I love the effect of your sprayed paper and I agree, it's a nightmare to get off but it's definitely worth it!
    Neil #8

  3. Gorgeous background!!! I have that problem with sprays too...with me its normally red that gets me, I've often gone to collect the kids from school looking like I've just butchered someone!!! Trish #30

  4. Beautiful background! yes I know the problem with those sprays oops! My husbnd is always telling me I have either glitter over my face and the cat's or paint, what is it with cats and glitter, Have a great week, Hugs May x x x

  5. Hee hee I can imagine your face...hands, and jumper! Fab backgrounds though. Take care, enjoy snooping around the wonderful desks & enjoy this WOYWW. Zo xx 33

  6. Beautiful background in my favourite colours - and I bet your hands and face looked just as good. How many times as that happened to me, feel I have to explain when I go shopping that is is ink and not dirt.

    Ann B

  7. Lovely background!
    Quickly watching all those lovely desks!!
    Have a happy WOYWW Wednesday :)))
    Watch mine too, I've an awesome announcement on my BLOG(click)
    Hugs Marleen ;-)

  8. Wow, how does the salt help you get that lovely background?? It's very effective, I know that!
    Thanks you for visiting, it's so lovely to be back, I've really missed it! It was lovely meeting Di, she did seem really nervous at first, but we had a lovely time. It would be fab to meet up with you sometime, but I honestly don't know when that would be :( Maybe a target to keep in mind!
    Hugs, LLJ #26 xx

  9. Totally gorgeous background, Lisa! I love using salt too. Your orchid is beautiful. I have been orchid sitting since the end of January, as the hubby and daughter of my friend who died last year have moved. I didn't dare take them round in the cold weather, so have only just returned them to their owners. Such responsibility!

  10. Why does your desk always look so interesting! We did have a bit of sun but I can't say it's very warm! I really think that we could do with a nice spring! Jill x

  11. Hope your face isn't quite sooo pink now, tee hee.

    Great picture of the orchid, they're my favourite, just so pretty - I've even made myself an orchid shaped felt brooch, so I can wear one all the time!

    Thanks for sharing.

    Jumbleberries xx

  12. Great sprayed backgrounds - shame about the face!! lol - I am hopelessly messy and often get weird looks from my postman - either my jumper is covered in threads and fluff or my hands are various shades of inky colours. That orchid is fab. x Jo

  13. wow lovely background papers Lisa - those dye inks can be a devil to get rid of - hope your jumper was an old one. Janet

  14. hi lisa im glad you like my blog name its inspired by my son lol great work area and i the orchid is beautiful glad u r returning to cross stitch. I am going to follow your blog in case u decide to show any of it off thnx for youur kind comments on my blog appreciate it michelle

  15. OK, I have gotten glitter on my face, but never mists! How on earth did you manage that? lol waving hi from the warm and sunny hills of North Carolina :)

  16. ...gorgeous colours you've chosen...loVe how they mix together...have a great week...Mel :)

  17. ...gorgeous colours you've chosen...loVe how they mix together...have a great week...Mel :)

  18. You are not a true crafter without some "product" covering parts of you that they shouldn't!! Haa Haa!
    Loving your orchid. I have several as I love them!

  19. Wow I love WOYWW :) that paper is stunning, I really must give it a try - and wear gloves ;)
    As for flitterglu, I love it, I can't believe how intricate a stamp you can use and still get perfect gilding.
    Hugs Sally x

  20. Hi Lisa

    Here at last!!!

    Sorry I have been a stranger.

    Not managing many blog catch ups in a day at the moment :-( The Spring brides are keeping me too busy :-) .. .. .. plus hunting for missing nesties LOL!!!

    Your comment about the missing soft toy on Christmas Eve made me smile. I was so pleased it was wrapped inside the stocking. I hate breaking traditions .. .. especially ones that go back into the kids childhood.

    Loving all your work Lisa. I saw quite a few of your samples when Sheena was on TV. I recorded her shows and watched them whilst having a much needed ironing session! Fabby work from you. Sheena must be so pleased to have you on her DT.

    Loving your blue paper you are posting here. Pleased you remembered the gloves!

    Have a great day.

    Love Jules xx

  21. Loving the blues on your salt spray paper. It always gives such an interesting effect.

  22. I definitely need to know more about that technique! It looks gorgeous. I've sprayed myself many a time, usually though because I haven't checked which way the nozzle is facing or I have taken it outside to spray and stood in the wrong wind direction!

  23. Not egg on the face then? I really like the blue effect. I have no understanding of paper and ink, so I don't know if you can repeat it.

  24. fabulous background,hope the hands came up clean,have a great week,x

  25. lol...I'm sure that we've all been there and done that! I've lost count of the number of times that I've, completely forgotten, walked out the door with inky fingers or ink and glitter on my face...only to be met by some very strange looks! I loved your post today, it really made me giggle and cheered me up!
    Thanks for your lovely well wishes for my mum and as always, your lovely comments!
    Take care, hun...
    Love Emma xxx

  26. Sounds like you were a very pinky inky crafter! Sorry, couldn't resist!
    That salt technique is very pretty. Glad to hear that you were suitably attired this time though..teehee

  27. Lol, to the Pink face Lisa, it reminds me of when the front of my hair went a pretty shade of Aqua! Hope you’ve managed to get it off by now.

    Loving your beautiful background. The colours are stunning. Don’t recall having ever tried that technique but think I may have to give it a go.

    I love Orchids too. One of the ones I was given when I lost dad in 2011 is in the kitchen and when it had finished I cut the stem back to about an inch and about four months later another shoot started to grow and it flowered again but the other one I was given at the same time is in the bathroom and has never flowered again, not sure why.
    Have a good week (what’s left of it)
    Happy Crafting!
    Sue H

  28. I;ve gone to work before with inky fingers that won;t go away, and glitter on my nose lol!

    Happy woyww

    Debs #166

  29. I know a good way to get colours off your hand, not sure how good it would be fore the face, though - Imperial Leather soap - that was a tip from Barbara Gray. Thank you for your visit today and your lovely comments I have been out there watching the birds again today, not to mention planting what felt like hundreds of tiny plants, which all needed potting on. I am running out of space now. Your background paper is just beautiful, such delicate colouring. Have a really good week. xx Maggie #17

  30. Spraying frenzy! the stuff is incredibly mobile when airborne as you've discovered...if you'd been out, people would have wondered at your make up skill!! The rock slat thing works on most water materials, I use it quite a lot with the darker colour H2Os...yummy piece you've got in the picture.

  31. suuuuper colours for your background! Thanks for my snoop, have a great crafting weekend,
    HaPpY VeRy LaTe WoYwW!


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