
Wednesday 7 March 2012


Morning lovely crafters and dear WOYWW friends. I had to absent myself last week from the Workdesk loveliness due to real life just getting in the way, so much so that I knew I wouldn't have the time to visit many desks and I really missed being part of the gang. So I'm back in class this week and raring to go.

Here is my desk as of last night. I apologise for the poor photo, the glare from my glass mat and all those plastic bags played havoc!!! I'm fed up being so disorganised and Di has really shamed me into getting my stamps into some sort of order. I don't quite have her skill at making them look so professional but at least they are now all in a ring binder on laminated sheets where I can lay my hands on them straight away.

As you can see I don't even organise in a very tidy way, there is stuff everywhere and this morning I found a tiny flower stamp floating around my desk and I have absolutely no idea where it belongs!!

I have stuck all my H20 paints onto old CD's, a tip Sheena shared on one of her programmes, and it felt very daring throwing all the lids away but I have to admit having them like this makes them so much easier to use. I don't have a spindle to stack the CD's on yet but have added that to Hubby's to do list!!

Well I've shared mine so let's see yours. Pop over to see the Desk Headmistress, Julia, HERE. She works very hard at keep her unruly class of deskhoppers in order and we thank her every week for her hard work.

Before I start checking out everyone else's desk I thought I'd just share another sample I made for Sheena's recent shows.

I have to thank the talented Barbara Gray and her pattern building for the inspiration for this one. I tried stamping just the corner from the Happiness stamp set inked with H20's and this was the result.

I used the same corner but inked with very watery paint and randomly stamped for the background and a glass bead I found at my local garden centre coloured with a promarker for the centre.

Well, it looks like it's going to be a day of April Showers here in Yorkshire so I'm off to get a cup of coffee and have a look at everyone else's desks so enjoy the rest of your Wednesday and thanks for stopping by.


  1. Fab idea with the h2o' I presume you keep the lids on for the top layer?
    Love the watery effect on the card ;)
    xoxo Sioux

  2. Hi Lisa - love this beautiful card - the stamping technique gives a fabulous result.

    I also love the brilliant idea of attaching the H2O pots onto old CD's, minus the lids - I always find the small lids a bit of a faff (not that I've used my H2O's recently!). Re. a spindle to support the CDS's - I bought a very cheap chrome thingamajig to store ribbon spools on - it's one of those which is meant to hold a kitchen paper towel roll. (It may save hubby a job)?!
    Hugs, Sylvia xxx

  3. Such a great idea for storage! thanks for sharing!

  4. Great storage ideas and lovely card, thanks for sharing your desk this morning.
    Neil #19

  5. Hi Lisa,
    Lots of business going on on your desk this week. What a good idea for your paints :)

    Loving this card too - really effective. Love youir ship from your previous card too.

    Showery down here too and a chilly wind.

  6. Top idea throwing the lids away from the H2o's. Happy crafting

  7. Liking the H2O idea!! Love the card too...Trish #62

  8. I love the h20 idea I've got to do this tonight! thanks have a great day

  9. Beautiful card! Sounds like a fun technique. Love to see a busy and creative work desk! Happy Wednesday. - Tammy #118

  10. I've just ordered my first set of H2O's & will definitely be putting them on cd's, fab idea. Take care, enjoy this WOYWW & I'm off to snoop! Wonder how many I'll get round today? Zo xx 62

  11. A really gorgeous card Lisa and I love your creative work space, so many lovely, crafty projects going on.

    Have a great WOYWW and a fab week, Luv Karen xx

  12. Fabulous H2O idea lots going on your busy desk this week, Have fun, Hugs May x x x

  13. Hi Lisa - my stamp organising has slowed right down if that makes you feel better?

    Thanks so much for telling me that I'm 'gutting' papers here - nice to know it's got a proper term and that lots of folk do it :)

    Love your H2Os organisation. I have a whole load but would be scared to be so brave - well done you though, much better the way you have them now.

    Happy WOYWW! Di xx

  14. You let real life interfere with WOYWW? :;gasp::, say it ain't so! lol The h20 storage is unique to me, will have to think about that! waving hi from the beautiful hills of North Carolina :)

  15. That's a brilliant idea for the H2Os!! Sarah #143

  16. Wow I love your card with that interesting technique and I also love the H2O idea... must have a go but with clearing out today, in the computer move, I kick myself for cutting up and throwing out, so many CDs!!! I need some NOW!
    Love JoZarty x

  17. your H20 storage is brilliant,good luck with the stamp organisation,happy crafting,x

  18. Hi hun...
    As always, your artwork is simply stunning and I love it...really wonderful effect that you've achieved with the stamps.

    I love having a snoop around your desk and what a fab idea for the H2O's...I wish I could get time to join in with WOYWW but unfortunately, I'm up to my ears in paper and, it's not always easy!
    Hope you and the family are well, my lovely friend!
    Love Emma xxx

  19. Hi Lisa, love the card and think I spotted it on one of Sheena's programmes - also noted that you got quite a mention ... what does it feel like to be almost a TV personality now? :)) Hope you've had a good WOYWW. Elizabeth x #21

  20. Been having a rummage on your site as I haven't visited for a while. Why does life get in the way now and again?!! Lovely stuff here and like the idea of recycling cds though I have not yet got any H2OS!
    You remember the hotel I told you we were staying in? We had the red room with 4 poster bed! Lush and most comfy bed I have ever stayed in!!

  21. Love the colors with the H2O idea and the cd's... very interesting indeed!

  22. I've really enjoyed my rather late visit today. Sorry for being so late....busy busy week for me.
    A x

  23. I love your storage idea (very clever) and the stamping technique looks so effective will have to try it. I have so many corner stamps and this is a nice variation.

  24. I love your very creative looking desk. Well well what a fab idea for H2O's - I'm sure I would use mine far more kept like this and my lids always seem to get stuck on....and lets face it you don't really need a lid on them, mmmmmmm!
    Thanks so much for your message, have finally got another appointment for Caleb so fingers crossed it will be positive news!
    Cheers Claire x

  25. Glad to have you back with us Lisa!

    Can’t say I’ve ever see H2o’s stored that way but what a brilliant way to save space.
    Love the card you’ve made too. I wasn’t aware that you could use them on stamps too, I’ve only ever used mine to paint with………might have to give that a try.

    Happy Crafting
    Sue H #128

  26. Glad to have you back with us Lisa!

    Can’t say I’ve ever see H2o’s stored that way but what a brilliant way to save space.
    Love the card you’ve made too. I wasn’t aware that you could use them on stamps too, I’ve only ever used mine to paint with………might have to give that a try.

    Happy Crafting
    Sue H #128

  27. Lisa, thanks for popping by to say Hi. What a great idea for Twinkling H2O storage. I have one of those holder, too, it's fulI of blank CD, but now i have a reason to save it. I was just painting with mine a few minutes ago. I love the watercolor effect of the Twinks on the stamp, I don't do that often enough. Have a great rest of the week!

  28. Hi Lisa,

    Oh yes, I'm loving your desk! The cd thing is interesting.... I don't know if I could throw away lids!

    You asked about the doilies on my She Art girl. They are actually stencils (Martha Stewart) that I bought at Michael's. I do love them. Sometimes I add some modeling paste to the paint and that gives them that extra bit of texture.

    Thank you for visiting me!


  29. Great idea for the H2Os! And the card you made with them is fabulous! Another thing I never thought of, using the H2Os for stamping!
    Thanks for visiting me earlier!
    xoxo Karen

  30. Thank you for your visit, Lisa. don't worry, I will still find some time for crafting, time will need to be squeezed but it will happen. I was very impressed at how fast Barbara answered my query, considering how busy she must be. I love your card, it is so pretty and such a simple but effective idea. That seems to be quite a good idea to store your paints, but I just know that if I did that, I would always want one off the top and one from the bottom, just to make life difficult. I hope you have now found a good home for that little flower stamp. Have a good week. xx Maggie #8

  31. Thanks for sharing your brilliant cd storage idea for the H2O's.
    So economical too! I like that part!

  32. Wow! Stunning card! Your organisation ideas look great! I like the H2O storage too.

  33. Hi there Lisa such lovely work!bit late but thanks so much for popping over, and for sharing. Happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz. x #32

  34. Lots to see on your creative desk and the card is gorgeous. Loving your DT card for the stampman as well, its stunning and very elegant. I started buying H20's when Jayne Nesteranko (spelt wrong) used them around 4 years ago and she had them on CD's which I did, it's a fantastic way to use them, mind you I keep the lids on them. Kezzy xxx


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