
Wednesday 9 November 2011


Morning all from a dark and gloomy Yorkshire this Wednesday. I'm not sure I like this November weather. I feel cocooned with the lights on although I have a stinking cold and haven't been out of the house since Saturday so it's been quite cosy.

I'm so glad to be back amongst all you lovely WOYWWer's this week. Sorry I was missing in action last week. We have had my MIL in hospital for a week with a mystery illness so one of us was shooting off to Leeds each teatime to visit while the other got tea and looked after DD. Thankfully she is home now and recovering but still a mystery!!!!. My Mum had a cataract op last Friday so I was looking after her on Saturday, not that she really needed looking after. It's incredible what they can do nowadays. She was fair bouncing and couldn't get over how much she can see. I got home from her house and promptly went down with the lurgy. I think we're all in need of another holiday!!!!!

Thankfully, I have now got back to some crafting therapy and so here's my desk this morning. I had to use the flash on my camera as it's so dark but as you can see I'm back to the pink canvas for my dear MIL.

I added the sweet peas yesterday. I absolutely love painting sweetpeas using Sheena's paint fusion. They are so easy and you get a lovely result. They have been liberally sprayed with glimmer mist so have a lovely shimmer. I'm now on with the green swirly edges but am not happy with it yet so will play a bit more today.

I have lots of desks to catch up with so am off to have a good nosey around now. If you want to join me pop over HERE to see Julia, head WOYWWer.

Thanks so much for stopping by and enjoy your Wednesday what ever you are up too.


  1. the sweet peas are wonderful hun, and actually I like the green swirly bits, just need something to bring them in as it were, dont ask me what though lol. I'm off to costco on Friday to bag myself an ottlite for £20, if you know someone who is a costco member perhaps that would save the flash on your camera in the winter months lol

    Happy WOYWW

    Lou #46

  2. Hope you are feeling better very soon Lisa. I'm pleased to hear your MIL is back home now, albeit without a diagnosis by the sound of things, and you must be so relieved about the results of your Mum's eye op.
    Love the Sweet Peas - your cold certainly hasn't stopped you from creating fabulous artwork.
    Hope to see you soon - Hugs, Sylvia xxx

  3. Ohhh I love your canvas and the sweet peas are gorgeous. They don't look easy they look like they have been painted by someone very comfortable with a brush and technique.

  4. You did a lovely job painting the sweet peas, one of my all time favorites in the garden.

  5. beautiful flowers and such a delicate pink - it looks just wonderful. I have a cold too and would like to curl up in bed for a week... hope you feel better soon. Thanks for the peek! Sarah at 14.

  6. Hi there
    your sweet peas are lovely. Hope you get better soon, feeling miz is not good for the crafting soul!

  7. You canvas is looking wonderful, love the colours!!

  8. Sorry to hear you are all schnotty. Keep warm and stay indoors in your craft room!!
    Loving that canvas. It is really turning out well. Sorry I confused you all with a tidy desk!! It wont last long I can tell you!!
    Hettie 25

  9. Hi Lisa, sorry to hear you are not so well - hope you start to feel better soon. I've had to use the flash too, and that's with the OttLite and the overhead light on too, just to get a half decent photo for today. I really don't like November even though it's my birthday month - in fact I don't like winter at all and cannot wait for spring - there I go, wishing my life away :) Love the canvas your working on - the sweet peas are just gorgeous. Have a great week. Elizabeth x #76

  10. Your sweet peas are incredible. I wish I had just an ounce of your wonderful talent.

  11. Glad to hear your nearest and dearest are on the mend, just you to get over your cold now! Crafting always helps, I think :)
    I know what you mean about the scarcity of red and white fabric - it's so on trend that the moment it appears in the shops, it sells out again. I think I'll be making hearts in my sleep, I've made so many now, lol!!
    Hugs, LLJ #42 xx

  12. Gorgeous artwork- your sweet peas are stunning.Thanks for the visit & comments, Have a great week, Shaz

  13. Gorgeous wip. Love the way the flowers turned out. One of my fav colors

    xoxo Marjo

  14. Hi Lisa, thanks for all the recent comments on my blog I really do appreciate them.
    Sounds as if you have had your hands really full with one thing and another recently but it's lovely to see that you have had sometime for crafting! Those sweet peas are gorgeous aren't they.
    Hope that your cold passes by really soon.... hateful things colds, maybe one day we might be able to cure them!!
    Take care
    Jill x

  15. Hope you all feel a lot better soon... i agree its been so miserable these last couple of days .. i cant believe Sunday was so sunny!
    I absolutely love those sweet peas .. they look amazing
    Lisa x

  16. Those sweet peas are delightful (Hazel WOYWW #89)

  17. The sweet pea paintings are just lovely... I will need to see if I can source some of that paint somewhere here in Australia... lovely desk xx

  18. Your canvas is looking beautiful Lisa but I fail to see how you can say the Sweet Peas are so easy to paint because they looks intricate and delicate. Your MIL is going to be so thrilled when you give it to her.
    I hope you and the other family members are well on the road to recovery by now.

    Thanks for stopping by this week and…….
    Happy Crafting!

  19. Hiya Lisa... Wowzers!! what an amazing canvas. Your sweet peas are beautiful. I love the close up shot you have taken.
    Sounds like you have run yourself into the ground with all the 'caring-for-others' Don't forget to look after yourself too :o)
    Loving all your samples for Sheena too. I caught the shows on TV and I have to say your monochrome boats card was my absolute favourite.
    Sandra x

  20. Lisa, those Sweet Peas are absolutely stunning! Hope everyone is felling better soon.

    Brenda 88

  21. Phew Lisa - those sweet peas are simply gorgeous! So pleased to hear that both Mums are on the road to recovery - and thanks so much for hopping by. Di xx

  22. Oh Wow Lisa, your MIL is going to love her canvas. Those sweet peas are beautiful. You are brilliant with those Fusion Paints.

    Sorry to read you've gone down with a stinking cold and hope you're getting over it by now. At least it doesn't sound like you have the tedious job of putting your Mum's eye drops in for her. With my Mum's dementia she had to come here so I could do them. It nearly drove me potty, lol!

    Lesley XX

  23. Ooh, this is stunning! Gorgeous work x

  24. great looking desk with all sorts of fun things to play with and look at! Love the pink canvas and the sweet peas! Sorry I am so late getting around but DH left for China yesterday and I had to spend the past week getting him ready to go. Have a great week. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #56

  25. Lisa just beautiful the blending and lovely lovely flowers!! Shaz in oz.x

  26. Oh wow lisa the canvas is looking stunning already. I'm afraid I still havent spent the time doing the paint fusion yet, but have promised myself that the minute xmas is over I'm going to spend time learning and creating, I think this will be the first new years resolution I really like lol. Kezzy x


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