
Wednesday 26 October 2011

WOYWW 125 & a Sneaky Peek

Morning lovely Crafters and WOYWWer's. Here we are again at another mid point of the week and a beautiful sunny one it is too. I know some of you haven't been so lucky this week but for once we've had a lovely week of mild temperatures and sunshine, perfect for half term.

I've had a busy few days having some lovely trips out and then grabbing a few hours in my craft room doing DT work for the launch of a new set of gorgeous stamps from the lovely Sheena Douglass on Create and Craft next Sunday 30th October.

More of that later but in the meantime, as the cards are now parcelled up to be sent off to Douglass Towers this morning, there is nothing, not a jot, on my desk as I tidied up and put everything away ready for the next project.

Doesn't look tidy to me I hear you cry. Well, when I went up to take my photos late last night I'd forgotten I'd got a load of papers out looking for my MOT and Insurance documents to tax my car today. Don't you just love having to do these jobs.

Just to give you a glimpse of the other side of my desk, the one I normally keep hidden, you can see the organised chaos. I like to keep all my Nesties and embossing folders close to hand so they sit in a basket on my desk all mixed up with my cake decorating bits and bobs and other crafty things.

My ribbon stash is also outgrowing it's space, can you ever have enough ribbons?

If you have something interesting happening on your desk today or just want to share your crafty space then pop over to see the Desk Headmistress, Julia HERE and share it all with us.

Now, back to Sheena's gorgeous new stamps. These have been right up my street. Those of you who know me well know of my love of The Lake District so when these little beauties fell through my letterbox I was thrilled to discover they are all Lakeland inspired. I feel like I've been travelling sitting at my desk.

Here's a Sneaky Peek of one of the samples I made. The sets all combine beautifully to build up scenes but I love these rowing boats so I decided to keep them simple and just used Vintage Photo Distress Ink for it all.

The rest of the team have produced some gorgeous creations and you can see more by popping over to Sheena's blog.

I will share some more with you tomorrow.

Well, better go and get the car taxed and then I think we are going into Leeds for some lunch and a look round the big shops, now there's an adventure for you. I used to work in Leeds every day but now we go once in a blue moon so it really does feel like an adventure.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Oh wow Lisa, I adore that card and especially love the way you’ve done the background. I will be watching out for the new set of stamps because I think I need them.

    I know exactly what you mean about the growing ribbons, mine have spread a bit two. What started out as one floss box (ribbon wrapped onto bobbins) has now expanded to five and big plastic bin for the overflow, which is also full.
    I either don’t use enough of it or I need to stop buying it but how can you stop when it’s all so lush, Lol!

    Happy crafting!

  2. How organised and neat you are even after all that DT work. I love your card and look forward to seeing the rest, when possible.
    Enjoy the rest of half term. We've had a couple of great days out in the sunshine!
    Love JoZarty x

  3. Love that sneaky peak at such a beautiful card. I love the stamps you can put together to create a scene, and have several of Sheens' sets.

  4. Your desk looks pretty well organised to me Lisa (I spy a Boyes bag under your desk)!! Love your card - the monochrome use of DI gives it a great vintage feel, and how fantastic to work with images based on the wonderful Lake District. Great use of the sequin waste too!
    Hugs, Sylvia xxx

  5. Hi Lisa, just love all those tidy ribbons of yours! I have done quite a lot of scrapbook pages for upcoming classes so I can't share them yet but apart from that the mojo has gone walkabout - am sure it's somewhere in here.... but where??
    Have got Sarah's Cards Retreat soon so I had better hurry up and find it!! Maybe I will just get inspiration from it!
    Jill x

  6. Shock and Horror I know Lisa, but I am having a little jaunt round blogland whilst the eyes are willing.

    Off to have a catch up on all your latest creations.

    So please to see I'm not the only one with a rather bad fetish for ribbons.

    B x

  7. I see you like spotty ribbons - don't know why but I cannot not buy them!
    That card is gorgeous!

  8. Wow! Your card is gorgeous and I may have to have those stamps when I see them! Your desk looks fine to me. I have spent parts of three days trying to bring some order to mine and it still looks a mess!

  9. Haha, my craft stuff seems to grow too...sometimes I wonder why??

    Thanks for the peek and sharing, xoxo Marjo

  10. I have a serious case of ribbon envy after seeing that tower... nice work space also happy WOYWW xx

  11. Hello Lisa, Fabulous card, love the monochrome antiquey look and it's such a great image:0) Tidy desk, you wouldn't want to see mine, actually you'd be lucky to see mine, I haven't seen it for ages LOL Gay xxx

  12. Love the Tower of Ribbons!! Lol, if ever you get bored with any then.... :)
    I was in Leeds on Sunday and couldn't believe how much it had changed since I was at Uni there eons ago!! Smart place, I had a ball there!
    Hugs, LLJ #43 xx

  13. Ribbons breed, plainly and simply, every time I go into my room there seems to be more of them! Love that card, I'm very fond of The Lakes too, got married there in fact, back in the day when you had to get a special license in order to get married somewhere different. A lot of hassle but worth it.

    Brenda 83

  14. Gracious..just formal are a good crafter! Actually it's very satisfying when you get a project or DT thing off your desk and finished isn't it. Really like the simplicity of the rowing boat card. As for ribbons - don't get me started about them growing!

  15. Ah Lisa so agree with jobs, bills etc spent ages looking high (and not low enough) for something today only to find the sneaky wind had blown it on floor and almost out of sight! bill found so now it can be paid - sigh - and WOW! do I ever agree about those new stamps... yes definitely lakes district there - was looking at my picks from up there a few days back Beatrix Potters farm etc. Love and Happy WOYWW Shaz in oz.x

  16. Oh and Lisa meant to say i am turning a huge shade of green looking at all those ribbons - actually blows me away how much fold have. Lovely and what fun! Shaz in Oz.x

  17. What an interesting post, Lisa. Loved looking at your room, and I love the butterfly on your box!! That Lake District card is just stunning - so stylish in sepia. I thought to start with that you'd printed tht gorgeous background with bubble wrap, but Sylvia-Anne says it's sequin waste which looks more likely! What a great use, as a mask! Must try this. It's so subtle, just being in fading bands like that, and not all over. Just love it. Happy belated WOYWW, Shoshi #84

  18. Oh, I love all that yummy ribbon! Happy late WOYWWED!

  19. wow love your gorgeous ribbons, we are deprived here downunder with not much variety as that


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