
Wednesday 20 July 2011


A blink of an eye and it's Wednesday again, how does that happen? I hope where ever you are in the world you are having a good WOYWW and life is treating you well today, even if the weather isn't if you live here in the UK. Is this July or October, I'm not really sure. We had three solid days of rain, then yesterday was gorgeous and hot and then back to rain today!!! I hope it cheers up for the school holidays!!

If you haven't discovered the heady delights of WOYWW yet, then pop over to see Julia, HERE and join in all the fun. Even my Hubby gets involved. As he left for work this morning he asked what I was up to "apart from WOYWW of course".

Here's my desk this morning. Not a lot happening really. I'm just getting a few cards made to stock up my supplies as I'm not sure how much crafting I'll get done over the next 6 weeks. The weekly routine disappears when DD is at home and we're out and about much more so I'm just trying to get ahead of myself for once. My friend, Sylvia, would be proud of me for having a frothy coffee on my desk this morning. She says that's the only way to drink coffee.

I'd also like to share with you another card I many for Sheena Douglass' Create and Craft shows recently. This one didn't get shown but you know how much I like triple embossing so I couldn't resist having a play with the lovely WOW embossing powders.

They are such unusual colours and are perfect for this technique. I used the flower barrow from the "Wouldn't It Be Lovely" stamps and also had a play with the rolled flowers. These were my first attempt but I have a feeling they will be appearing on my cards much more in the future.

I'm so sorry I didn't get round many desks last week, I will do better this week, but thank you so much all you wonderful WOYWWer's who leave such lovely comments, I really enjoy reading them.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. I love that triple embossed technique.. it looks fabulous especially with that image
    Your flowers looks so pretty
    Lisa x

  2. woohoo - triple embossing! Another fun technique to try...Sipping coffee sans froth here and wishing you a Happy WOYWW!

  3. Great job with the embossing Lisa and it’s such a shame they didn’t show your card after all your hard work.

    I love those little paper flowers too and in fact I’ve been making them too for one of my cards.

    Happy Crafting!

  4. That card sure is lovely Lisa. Loving those Nesties too. I have only recently taken the plunge and that was after seeing a set on someone's desk!! Oops!! This WOYWWing is expensive!! Have fun for the next few weeks. I am unsure of the month too!!

  5. Yep! The weather is a pain in the you know where at the moment!!! LOL
    Enjoy your week.
    xoxo Sioux
    P.S. enjoyed your Zell layout.....I must try and return myself one of these days...sigh!

  6. Hi Lisa, lovely card and busy desk. I too love triple embossing, it's always fascinating to do and gives impressive results, just like your's!
    Thanks for calling in on me and for your lovely comments.
    Love joZarty x

  7. Great embossing technique and love the colours too. Interesting shaped Nesties on your desk, haven't seen those ones before. Enjoy your time with your daughter, it'll go quick!

    Brenda 75

  8. Wow, love that triple embossing Lisa! Getting fed up with all the rain now, don't particularly want hot sunshine, just a glimpse of it would be good!

    Thanks for all the lovely comments on my blog, I really appreciate you popping by! Jill x

  9. Ahhh....I think it's sweet your husband knows about WOYWW. I don't think my husband even knows I have a blog!

  10. Don't worry about getting to huge numbers of desks - everybody understands! Love your cards for Sheena - they must have such a hard time getting them all into the show...the time goes by like lightning! Oh and yeah, my coffee is NEVER frothy! tee hee!

  11. Beautiful card Lisa. I love triple embossing too - I got hooked when I saw Jill demo it on C&C years go. Those flowers are really addictive aren't they.

    Lesley Xx

  12. Everything on your desk is so interesting ...and that card is breathtaking ...I have never tried that technque.

  13. Hi there Lisa, loving the desk and exciting goodies there, I do hate how Spellbinders keeps bringing out all these gorgeous dies and you think oh isn't that nice maybe just one more.. sigh, must learn not to want them all thoguh mustn't I?
    My cupboard cant take mcuh more but do love the cloud ie as I call it not sure what it is called and love the "hatted" people there too, very lovely! have not seen a small set of spots like like that I guess they are from Stamping up, our come in 3 lots of 4 box, so dozen of them. I have done as you have done with a colour chart in mine too,
    God bless! am running late again weeks are always busy these day, Shaz in Oz.x

  14. Hi Lisa

    I know what you mean .. .. days, weeks and months are just flying by!! It must mean we aren't bored or they would be dragging!!!!

    Loving all the goodies on your workspace. The shaped image you have cut out looks interesting and I love the triple embossed card too!!

    Oh so many things to try and do!!

    Have a wonderful holiday with your daughter. No doubt she will be posting a few crafty creations too over the next 6 weeks.

    Love Jules xx

  15. Due to a horrendous amount of work, my body giving up on me and the eye infection...I missed WOYWW but thank you for sharing your workdesk and all those gorgeous things on it. I can't wait to see the finished cards!! :)

    Once again, this card is stunning and as you know, I love triple embossing techniques, so it's a definite winner for me! :(
    Happy Weekend, Lisa and thank you for all the lovely comments you've left on my posts!
    Love and hugs, Emma xxx

  16. It's great to be able to catch up and I always like to see what you are upto Lisa. I am bursting to tell everyone that I am going to be getting my own craft space next month - you are the first to! So maybe I will then join in with the WOYWW in the future. I know what you mean about the holidays along with computer problems having the kids all off it's been hectic and not enough creative work getting done - well on my behalf anyway. Have a great summer - enjoy! Cheers Claire x

  17. Hi Lisa...I popped by to visit you earlier but I have a feeling that I deleted my's been so long almost forgot how blogger works!lol Having a great catch up today , enjoying seeing everyones creative work - your card is fab - do like a bit of triple embossing. I am fit to burst as we have started making space in our garden to build a studio - you may see me at WOTWW in the future. The weather has been so kind to us since the schools broke - can't believe we are more than half way through the hols. Have a great summer! Cheers Claire x

  18. Hi Lisa, thanks for leaving such a lovely comment on my blog. I went to a craft show last week and there was a demonstration of triple embossing. I've seen it before but never think to try it out. I must add it to my 'to do' list.
    I may have those Nesties on your desk. My son bought them for me fore Christmas, as yet they are unused. But I know they will come into their own once I have my caraft space sorted. That's another story! Have a good week.

  19. Morning Lisa, Hope you're well today:0)I too approve of the coffee choice but as long as it's coffee I really don't mind much how it comes, LOL
    I love your gorgeous card, very successful triple embossing it worked a treat and very interesting colours, keep well, hugs Gay xxx

  20. Hi Lisa, not really WOYWWing this week so just catching up with what you are up to. You and your daughter are getting great weather for the start of the summer break. I'm a tea drinker, you might have picked up on that from my blog, but occasionally I break out and have a latte when out and about - and that's definitely frothy - any other coffee just will not do. Love your card and those flowers are a favourite with me too but I'm ashamed to say I'm not too sure what you do to triple emboss something - you'll have to enlighten me some time. Happy Crafting! Elizabeth x

  21. Hi Lisa - how on earth did I miss this one?!! Thanks for the mention about the frothy coffee - that really made me smile!! Super embossing, and I love the Fusioneering you've been doing (on your next Post). Hope your Mum had a wonderful birthday.

    Must meet up soon for another frothy coffee!
    Hugs, Sylvia xxx


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