
Friday 29 July 2011

Some Stitching At The Stampman & 100 Followers

Hello lovely Crafters.

I am so thrilled today as I have at last reached that magical figure of 100 followers. I can scarcely believe it really. When I first set up my Blog two and half years ago I never thought anyone would follow and then when Sally became my first follower I was jumping up and down with excitement. Not only was Sally my first follower, she has continued to leave regular comments and has now become a firm friend. I am blessed with so many regular followers who I now count as true friends, some of which remain cyber friends and some which have become very special real life friends so thank you all and welcome to my new followers. I appreciate and treasure every comment you leave.

I will be having some blog candy to celebrate but am going to make you wait until September when things quieten down a bit round here and I can do it properly.

Now, onto crafty matters. Sue is hosting The Stampman challenge this time and has asked us to get stitching on our projects.

For my design project I decided to hand stitch, which I love doing on my scrapbook layouts, but have never done on a card before.

I was inspired by an article in Craft Stamper this month by Rachel Jackson where she stamped using the watercolour technique with pencils. I used distress inks instead and created a background by just splodging some mustard seed onto watercolour card and then spritzing with yellow cosmic shimmer mica powder mixed with water to make it all run and then over stamping with a script in Antique Linen.

The Aspects of Design Flowers were inked up with various distress inks and spritzed with water before stamping and once dry I over stamped with neat ink.

I cut out and coloured a flower with more ink, added a french knot centre and sprayed the whole thing with mica powder before adding it.

The red mat is Barn Door wiped onto more watercolour paper and overstamped with the same script stamp from the Aspects of Design Nautical Set and then I stitched all the way round using some decorative thread I've had for years.

I used a different thread for the French Knots. They are not as neat as I'd like, the thread was a bit fluffy for doing this with.

The rest of the team have made some gorgeous creations so why not pop over to the challenge site to have a look and then show us some stitching on your creations. The winner will receive a £10 voucher to spend at The Stampman as always.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend, whatever you are up too.


  1. Lisa, this is just gorgeous and another new technique for me to try out - I didn't think to use DIs this way. I love the colours you've used and the stitching is fab. Great idea to embellish with the French knots too. Elizabeth x

  2. Oops, forgot to say 'Congratulations' on reaching 100 followers. I felt just the same way as you did when my first follower joined me - such elation!!! xxx

  3. Hi Lisa. Congratulations on your 100 followers. I think we started out blogs about the same time and I have just passed that magic 100 mark too, lol! I for one love visiting your blog and obviously many more do too.

    Your card today is beautiful and I love the watercolour technique (was looking at Rachel's article the other day too). Your lovely stitching adds another special technique to your project too. Wonderful work as always.

    Have a lovely weekend Lisa.

    Lesley Xx

  4. Hi Lisa, huge congratulations on reaching 100 followers - very well-deserved!

    The card is beautiful and so delicate - love the soft colours and the flowers. The 3-d image really makes the whole thing "pop" - great hand-stitching too.
    Have a fabulous weekend - hugs, Sylvia xxx

  5. Wow Lisa, that is gorgeous, what a great technique, think even I might be able to do that!!

    Hope you and your garden are still basking in lovely weather. Been walking on Dartmoor today with a friend and her dog - it was lovely! Have a good weekend.

    Jill x

  6. Hi Lisa - it's ages since I've been over to visit (sorry) but wow, what a treat though - a fesat of lovely things to see! That sky photo is so amazing (just had to show it to hubby as well), the green iced cake sounds fab - I hope you get to see the finished garden, The Cword card is stunning and I love the sunset colours on this most recent card. Love the idea of using French Knots - I might just have to pinch that one!
    Hope you are well and enjoying your summer

  7. Congrats on the 100 followers!
    This is a gorgeous card Lisa, love the way this has turned out, and the mica powder gives it such a sparkle. Great handstitching and french knots.
    Avril xx

  8. Hi there Lisa! thought it only fitting to post a comment seen as I was your 100th follower, funny thing is I was already a follower of yours years ago when my blog was Angels with inky fingers, I think I am still in your blog list but this blog was lost when I changed my Internet server so I had to start again. Thank you for visiting my new blog and your very kind comments. P.S. I love everything about this card.
    Sheilagh :) xx

  9. Oh Lisa, how fabulous is this? I think you have done an amazing job with this card, I love all the mica shimmer and that gorgeous background. Your stitching has finished it of beautifully. I love it.
    Congrats on your 100 followers.
    Hope you have a great weekend.
    luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox

  10. Hi Lisa,
    This is beautiful. Very much my cup of tea. I love the background and the colours and layers. Fabulous.

  11. Wow Lisa! you have done this technique justice, just adore this card to bits, and what a blessing to get to 100 followers, CONGRATS!I must admit it is whole new world blogging, love and God bless, dear blogging friend, Shaz in Oz.x

  12. Hey lovely lady, long time no chat? Hope you are well and congrats on the big 100!! Thats amazing - I can't really believe that anyone reads my ramblings but hey ho!!
    Thanks for popping by just now xxx hugs back at ya xxx

  13. Hi Lisa

    Many congratulations on reaching your first century!! Here's to the next 100!!

    Loving your project here. As you know I am well in stitching on cards and yours is super neat .. .. it hardly looks like handstitching it is so uniform in size.

    Loving all the other elements you have inforporated too. Such gorgeous colours and stamping.


    We managed to miss the rain storm .. .. it looks like we perhaps had a bit of rain overnight and it is now a little fresher.

    Love Jules xx

  14. Hi Lisa. WOW!!! I just love how you've used my stamps to create this card!!! You've given them a completely different look which I just LOVE!!

    Many congratulations on reaching 100 followers - you must be so chuffed.

    So sorry that I haven't been around here much lately but things are still difficult! xx

  15. Hi there Lisa me back again... just want to say thanks for long newsy and very helpful comment found a perfect black mat over at Clark Rubber today and brought it home and as you said works a treat... and cost me all of $3.60 would have been about z$26 on eBay for mat of similar size.. there you go! Use same sandwich as tan mat just a little firmer ie not floppy like tan mat but otherwise great .. dont think it affects the embossing at all!
    God's blessing, and happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x
    PS Neil is sending me two of the Craft Stampers they doubled up on him (ie sent him two by mistake and they did not want them back) and he sent them today, how good is our God, and the dear folk on WOYWW!

  16. Fabulous work I love it all, well done:0) Your deserve all your 100 followers and many more because you're so lovely, hugs Gay xxx

  17. This is really beautiful Lisa - you have a fabulous gentle touch with the watercolour technique, never looks over worked - just perfect! Great zesty colours - just lovely! Cheers Claire x

  18. What a gorgeous soft and subtle card and congratulations o nyour 100 followers

  19. You became one of my first followers and I was so excited too. Gorgeous card, I love how you layer your backgrounds, I have just started to learn how to do this. It gives your card so much texture and depth. Congrats on making 100 followers. Kezzy x

  20. I love the piece. It's very elegant and delicate. Beautiful work.


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