
Wednesday 8 June 2011

WOYWW The Week After PIF

Evening lovely friends. I hope I find you all well today, better than the weather anyway. It's been showery and cool here all day but that's been OK as I didn't need the temptation to be in the garden as you will see from my workdesk this week.

I've spent the day decorating a 11" chocolate cake for a lady whose FIL is celebrating his 90th Birthday on Friday. Luckily she chose the same design as I made for my friend Sylvia last year so I knew what I was doing. It still took most of the day though. I made the cake yesterday and it's a good job no one could see me, have you ever tried whisking 15 egg whites. My bowl wasn't big enough and it was like a volcano. Still alls well that ends well and the cake is all boxed ready to be delivered tomorrow, I just hope she likes it.

It's been an exciting week with all the delights of the 2nd Anniversary pif and I'd just like to say a huge thank you to our esteemed leader Julia, the head of team WOYWW who not only gets all these wonderful people together every week but also suggested the pif and it's a huge credit to her that everyone took part so enthusiastically.

I was absolutely delighted to receive mine on Monday from the very talented Laura. She said she was on tenterhooks to know whether I would like it or not. She needn't have worried.

Not only is it beautiful but so useful especially to someone like me who has a memory like a sieve. I've been showing it to everyone and it now has pride of place in my craft room so that I can jot down everything I need to remember and I'll think of Laura everytime I use it.

It's been so nice to make two new friends this week as I also had the pleasure of sending my pif to the lovely Lisa-Jane.

This is what I sent her and the eagle eyed among you may recognise it from The Stampman challenge the other week. While I was messy with inks and embossing powder and happy with what I was making I made two hangers, just changing the wording on this one. I was quite nervous about posting it off too, hoping it would be OK but I'm pleased to say Lisa-Jane says she loves it, phew!!

Thanks, as always, for stopping by and for the lovely comments you leave, I really do appreciate them. You are a wonderful bunch of friends.


  1. Two fab PiFs there and a wonderful cake - its such a satisfying way of life when you can produce such lovely things isn't it!!

  2. Hi Lisa, Lovely to see the perfect cake you made... I'm sure Les will love it and it really is so neatly made. Clever you. The PiFs received and given are fabulous and also both useful. It has been amazing seeing so much crafting, hand made in friendship. A lovely wave of giving.
    Great post from you, will email you too very soon,
    JoZarty x

  3. Wow Lisa, that cake is fantastic! How can the recipient not like it? I am half the age later this month if you want to make me one! 15 egg whites ey! Messie job!

  4. There really are too many Lisa's lol!!
    I love your cake .. and i am sure the Birthday boy will too !
    Your PIF is fab too
    I must check out Lisa Jane .. or will that just get too confusing lol
    Lisa x

  5. gorgeous cake, yummy! equally beautiful PIF, Thank you for sharing, Happy WOYWW 105, #22 (please do check out my blog candy)

  6. Hi Lisa, Fabulous cake, so clever and so neat I'm impressed, lucky you the post it note holder is wonderful, hugs Gay xx

  7. Everyone seems to have made lovely things for the PiF....we are a lucky bunch!
    xoxo Sioux

  8. Hi Lisa

    That cake looks super yummy!!! I am not surprised it took most of a day to make it.

    What a lot of lovely memories that 90 year old must have .. .. I bet he would be great to sit and chat with and hear about the past.

    Great pif you received and the one you sent too will have been well accepted too I am sure.

    Yes, you are right. I do have a sewing thing running through my veins at the moment.

    I am lucky enough to have a cabinet in my craft pod that houses my sewing machine .. .. and when not in use the part that the machine sits on can be pushed down inside the cabinet out of the way.

    The only trouble is what I have been doing is having the machine pushed down and then the gap it leaves above is just perfect for sitting my Big Shot Pro on. So to use my sewing machine has been a bit of an ordeal as I have to rescue it and set it up on my desk or move the Big Shot!!

    Anyway, to cut a long story short, I need to cut "loads" of favour boxes and elements for a wedding job I have on so I got my hubby to take the Big Shot downstairs so I can work on the dining room table .. ... exposing my sewing machine .. .. yay!!!

    It is lovely just to be able to swizzle round and use it anytime I want. I think I need to find a new home for the Big Shot!! Sadly the only place big enough though is in my bedroom and hubby may not be too happy with that LOL!!!

    Sorry that was one big ramble for me to say "Yes, lots more stitching at the moment" LOL!!

    Hope all is good with you.

    Love Jules xx

  9. The cake looks scrummy Lisa and I have no doubts the recipient will be delighted with it.

    Lucky you receiving the lovely and very useful pif gift. I too need all the help I can get to remember things and when I'm crafting is the time things come to mind so I can imagine you will make very good use of this.

    Love the pif gift you sent out too. It's so pretty and I'm sure will be proudly displayed.

    We had quite a few showers yesterday too but the temperature was perfect and I managed a nice walk out with the dog.

    Lesley Xx

  10. What a fab desk for the start of the 3rd year of WOYWW Lisa.

    The cake is looking great.
    I used to dabble a bit, making all my two goddaughters birthday cakes and a few retirement cakes for work colleagues but my most ambitious was a two tire cack for my mum and dads Ruby wedding.

    Love both your PIF’s too, absolutely beautiful!

    Thanks for stopping by this week and………..
    Happy Crafting!

  11. Hi lisa, WOW what a wonderful cake - it looks so perfect and very delicious!

  12. What a fabulous cake, so sophisticated and so perfect...I used to decorate all my own cakes but since I started papercrafting, I just don't have the time but in future, I'll know where to come when I next need a celebration cake. :)
    Both the PiF's were gorgeous and yours was stunning...the recipient was a very lucky person to get something that fab!
    Hope you're having a great week, so far!
    Love and hugs, Emma xxx

  13. Lisa...this is my first time in here..and I love evrything in your blog!!!!This cake is so perfect..look gorgeus..I love all your work with crafting.
    I love your post....I try to be follower but does not work at all.
    So I will came back for sure.
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    Kisses and huges from Brazil

  14. lots of yummy eye candy in your post :)

  15. Ohh that cake looks delicious and beautifully decorated. I love your PIFs ... hasn't it been fun.

  16. I do love it! It makes me smile every time I walk past it. Great cake there, must post up a pic of my castle cake (thank you for reminding me!)

  17. Wow the cake is awesome, and the two pifs are gorgeous. I thoroughly enjoyed entering the pif annerversary as well. Kezzy x


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