
Wednesday 15 June 2011

WOYWW and a Friendly Spider

Evening lovely Crafters. I hope you are all well. Thank you for your kind comments and thoughts about my poor tooth. It is now well and truly out but I am running out of soft things I am able to eat. Yesterday all I had all day was a bowl of soup so I went to bed with a rumbly tumbly. Today has been a bit better but I never knew meals could take so long. The good thing was I had strict instructions from my lovely dentist to take it easy all day yesterday and not do anything so I had a great excuse to sit in the garden in the hot sunshine with my book.

Normal service has been resumed today and as it's Wednesday it must be Whats On Your Workdesk Wednesday again so here is my desk as I left it on Monday night. I've been playing with the gorgeous Polkadoodle house stamps and trying to colour them as Nicky Hall demonstrates using the broad end of the Promarkers and just laying down colour without worrying too much. For once I am quite pleased with the results. It is not natural to not be careful when colouring but I'm getting addicted.

I've also been continuing with the pom pom spiders at school this morning and I got permission to take a picture of them for you. I love the colourful legs although we've had to put out an appeal for more wool, it's surprising how much has been used already and we're only half way through the class. Hopefully, the parents will come up trumps otherwise we might have to make up blue and green spiders instead!!

Don't forget to pop over to see our esteemed WOYWW leader Julia to see what's on everyone elses desks this week, there are some beauties out there.

Thanks for stopping by. I'm off to do some more colouring now and listen to the new Take That CD that my lovely Hubby surprised me with when he came home tonight. I am a lucky girl!!


  1. Hi Lisa, Glad that the tooth, or lack of, is settling:0) not nice having teeth out:{
    Your houses are lovely, great colouring and they're pretty cute stamps:0)
    Hope the mouth feels better soon, Gay xx

  2. Oh Lisa. Commiserations with your tooth and hope you are back to gnashing real food soon. Lovely spiders there! Those houses look cute too!

  3. Te-he, I’m lovin those little spiders, how cute are they!

    I’ve sorry to hear that your mouth is sore Lisa……..lots of salt water gargles will help it heal quickly and stop any infection getting in there hun but I do feel for you. Hope it’s better soon.

    Loving the beautiful cards too, the colours are so striking. Think I may need to find that demo!

    Happy Crafting!

  4. Glad you are ok Lisa, was thinking of you! Pom pom spides now how cute is that! I really love your row of houses as well! Jill x

  5. Hi Lisa, thanks for stopping by. Sorry I missed your dentist post - hopefully despite the soft food you are ok or at least feeling a bit better now? Am feeling slightly brighter today but then thats cos I've been too busy to wallow :) enjoy your colouring in xxx

  6. ooh i love the polka doodles houses .. i would love to live in that street lol
    The spiders are sooo cute .. and another Take That fan called Lisa lol!! I love them too
    Lisa x

  7. Hi Lisa, Glad the tooth is out and you are getting back to normal with crafting if not with eating. can you manage scrambled egg or bread and butter pudding?!! Your promarker colouring looks amazing and the spiders are so cute! We have a minibeast display in my class at the moment too.

  8. WoW Lisa - the house images are so nice anyway, but your colouring is fantastic, what a skill you've devloped. Jelly and ice cream for you gal, hope it gets better as each day passes!

  9. Oh my! I do so understand your wisdom tooth is soooo painful. Unless you have been there yourself people can think you are a wimp...I've been are NOT a wimp!! LOL
    Your houses look ab the colouring. :)
    xoxo Sioux

  10. Glad your mouth is a little better Hunni - mine has been sore all this last week too - isn't it a bind trying to find stuff soft enough to eat?

    Love your lickle Polka-Doodle houses! They are BOSS!

    Take care of that gob!

  11. When you mentioned spiders I really didn't want to look but these ones are just gourgeous :-)
    Hope your mouth soon heals well.
    A x

  12. Hi Lisa

    Sorry about the tooth .. .. a very drastic way to lose weight if you ask me!!!

    Loving the look of your work desk .. .. those house images and your colouring of them is wonderful.

    I hope you manage to find a few more things you can each soon. How about a bit of rice pudding or scrambled egg?

    Take care.

    Love Jules xx

  13. Lisa your houses look great...I think you are mastering it well! Sorry to hear about your poor mouth, hope it eases soon.
    Those spiders are fabulous - love the colourful legs! Cheers Claire x

  14. What beautiful colouring on your houses. Hope you feel better soon, nothing like sitting in the sunshine to start feeling a little better.

  15. ohoo we made hedgehogs when I used to do play school, you stick the pom pom on a peg so he can hold things for you! Love those houses!! Beautifully coloured! Happy WoYwW

  16. So relieved to hear that the dentist went ok and that you managed to get through it, in one piece! :)

    LOVE your colouring of the houses, can't wait to see the finished card!! And as for those cute lil spiders...I might HATE the real things but these are just ~ awwwww!!
    Take care, Lisa and thinking of you!
    Love and hugs, Emma xxx

  17. I love those polkadoodle houses! And I'm so glad your mouth is recovering.

  18. Hi Lisa, Glad you're feeling a bit better, glad you were able to enjoy some sunshine!
    Love the colouring on the houses.
    Good job you're not scared of spiders like me!
    Love Avril xx

  19. cute little spiders! Hate to hear you have been having dental problems. I told my husband to shoot me when I had my wisdom teeth pulled cause it hurt so bad! hope you are better soon. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #46

  20. Lovely little spiders and am sure the children are very blessed having you for a teacher.
    I have been there with teeth had one out several months ago which went badly awry and was on soft food for ages not fun, but I was not terribly hungry as felt yuck anyway.I am now in the middle of root canal..On a cheerier note - Happy WOYWW and thanks Lisa for popping over, I am off to look at your post above it looked very interesting! Shaz in Oz.x

  21. The pom pom spiders are so cute and wow on the card, those stamps look fab and the colouring is amazing, they actually look printed. Kezzy x


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