
Wednesday 1 June 2011


Morning lovely crafters and all my WOYWW friends, the big day has finally arrived. My pif is made and ready to go so I hope whoever follows me on the list today likes it, it was made and will be sent with my love. I thought I better get posting early as we are up early and on our way out. It's half term here in the UK and Hubby has the week off too, his first holiday since Christmas, so we are making the most of it.

Here is my desk as I left it last night. I am in the middle of a card making session spurred on after making the ATC for The Stampman swap, which you can see further down this post. I had the beautiful Habico Oriental stamps out and decided to carry on stamping with them. I've coloured them with distress inks and promarkers, nothing like mixing mediums!!

You can't see from the photo but I'm also sharing the dining table with my Hubby who is on his computer on the other side playing World Of Warcraft!!!!! Don't get me started. Still he doesn't complain about my crafting so I try not to complain about his gaming obsession.

If you want to celebrate with Julia the 2nd Anniversary of this wonderful world of work desks she has created then pop over to her lovely blog and see what it's all about. I promise you won't be disappointed.

Now, on to the ATC I made for the Stampman ATC Swap. The first of the month certainly comes round with some speed and this time the theme is TREES. I saw a lady on C&C using shaving brushes with inks and remembered I had some stashed away and dug them out to have a play with creating a little scene using torn paper. I used Broken China and Bundled Sage Distress Inks after masking the blossom branches which were stamped first. The flowers are painted in with Worn Lipstick and some stickles added for a touch of bling. After struggling with the size of ATC's initially I'm beginning to like the challenge now.

Thanks for stopping by and enjoy the rest of the week whatever you are doing.


  1. Lovely ATC and I know what you mean about DH not complaining about your hobby so you have to keep quiet about his.
    Notice you have joined the asterisk club - I too forgot on my first posting to include it. But then I forgot a lot of other things too - really messed up today. #15

  2. Happy WOYWW 2nd Birthday. It's so lovely to be linked up with so many creative friends. Happy crafting.
    A x

  3. As someone else who's partner is always playing video games, I can sympathise! Although you are right in saying it's good he has his own little obsession :-)

    A very happy 2nd WOYWW birthday to you Lisa. I've really enjoyed reading your blog and always appreciate the lovely, encouraging comments you make on mine.

    We WILL meet up for that coffee one day!


  4. Hi Lisa and Happy WOYWW 2nd Birthday. That's the biggest mess I've ever seen on your desk but it's a lovely creative one. Great card too..
    Lv JoZarty x

  5. Love Stickles and Distress Inks! A lovely busy desk there and that is a beautiful card. I think anything made with love will be thoroughly appreciated xx
    Lisa-Jane #86

  6. Hi Lisa. Lovely craftiness on your desk this week! Happy Wednesday to you and hope you enjoyed your time today with Hubby!!

  7. Such a beautiful card and I love the shading technique. Actually I think I have one of those brushes somewhere in my cupboard. Have a lovely woyww.

  8. Love the ATC- I keep meaning to have a go at some,lol. Happy WOYWW, heres to many more.

  9. oh wow gorgeous ATC love the pretty blossom
    Lisa x

  10. hope you are enjoying half term! Love the cards you have made!

  11. Very pretty card.Happy WOYWW 2nd anniversary. Have a great week - pop over to my blog for a glass of champagne!

  12. Looks like some beautiful card and ATC making going on! Before our kids were born, I would sit in my craft room "playing" while my husband sat on the other side of the wall "playing" on the computer in his office! He hasn't done it much since the kids were born because I lost my craft room to the baby, and he doesn't want to wake anybody up by being in the office while they're asleep. But, it's true that hubbies are more tolerant of our crafting "habit" if they are busy with "habits" of their own! :-) Happy WOYWW!

  13. Oooh Lisa, that looks as interesting desk! Gorgeous creations as always, what a source of inspiration you are! Jill x

  14. I’m making a big effort to get around everyone for the first time this week as it’s a very special one.

    Your ATC is so pretty Lisa and you’re right, those stamps are just gorgeous.

    Happy WOYWW 2nd Anniversary and …………….
    Happy Crafting!

  15. Great use of the oriental ;)
    xoxo Sioux

  16. that is a beautiful card,

    happy 104


  17. Beautiful card - my DH has just started getting into model railways! ~ Happy WOYWW Anniversary

  18. Never had a go at ATC's - yet another thing to add to the list. I was another one who forgot the asterisk the first time - I think there were quite a few of us. Never mind, we got there in the end. Thanks for all your support and lovely comments. Happy anniversary.

  19. Beautiful ATC I belong to one on OSWE and each month there is a different theme. Happy #104-2nd Anniversary of WOYWW Thanks for sharing. Vickie #55

  20. What an interesting desk the wip cards ...and that ATC is gorgeous.

  21. Hi Lisa that's a busy desk the ATC is lovely.

    Happy WOYWW anniversary. Please can you email me your address for the PIF

    Laura x

  22. Hi Lisa... great messy creativity here, teamie... lovin your stuff as always. Have a great week

  23. Thanks for sharing your space - Happy 104th week, nice to 'meet' you through WOYWW


  24. With the BH weekend, it's completely messed up my schedule and all week I've been a day behind and all day yesterday, I was thinking it was Tuesday and therefore, I forgot WOYWW! :(

    Love all the crafting goodies on your desk and can't wait to see what you make with them!!
    As for the's really beautiful, Lisa!!
    Love and hugs, Emma xxx

  25. Beautiful atc - hope you enjoy your break. We have to let them have hobbies or when would we get ours done.....Reubens is Classic cars!Cheers Claire x

  26. Hello Me Darlin,how you doin, bad girl here again.looks like you have been very busy since I was here last I have enjoyed looking at all your creations, so special and unique, just like you really.
    hugs chris xx

  27. lovely ATC
    Happy #2 WOYWW anniversay xxx

  28. A birds eye view is great!!!
    Hear you with the games....and the TV game shows..but thats just our little hickup LOL
    Keep smiling and creating

  29. Aw, lovely ATC Lisa. Hope your week off has been fun and you're all feeling recharged. My DH doesn't have an obsessive hobby and I worry a bit!! No happy medium!


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