
Wednesday 25 May 2011


Afternoon folks. You really are the most encouraging and supportive group of people I know. Thank you so much for your wonderful comments about my Paint Fusion. Showing you painting is a bit more personal than paper craft as there is no where to hide and, as my Hubby will tell you, I am very self critical so your support is more appreciated than you'll ever know.

Thank goodness the wind has died down at last. Although we've not had the sunshine they promised us it's been a bit warmer and I've spent most of the day in my greenhouse so my poor craft desk has been neglected and as we speak there is nothing on it so for WOYWW this time I thought I would show you my outside work desk again.

Everything is growing nicely and once these chilly nights have gone for the Summer hopefully things can be moved outside. At the minute I'm busy potting on and planting up tubs ready for the Summer but it's a constant juggling of space.

I like to grow things that live in the greenhouse too so that there is something nice to look at and these are my favourites. They are called Lewisia and don't like getting wet so are no good in the garden but I can give them the attention they need inside and they reward me with these beautiful little flowers. I have all shades of pink and orange but this little beauty is a bit different.

Outside the Aquilegias are at their best and at last I have some colours other than blue.

And here is a long shot of the garden. It is only small but I cram it to the rafters.

The excitement is mounting as there's only one more week until Julia celebrates the 2nd Anniversary of WOYWW with her Pass It Forward and it was hilarious how many closed desks were on view last week with people hiding their makes. If you are wondering what it's all about pop over to see head desk hopper, Julia and get involved in this mad world. It's totally addicitive I warn you.

Thanks for stopping by and enjoy the rest of your week.


  1. Hello there Lisa, WoW your garden is looking stunning, as you say 'crammed to the rafters' but so pretty and you've managed to find room for a trampoline, YAY Love trampolines!!
    Thank you very much for visiting me and your kind comments, It certainly won't be long till you get to 100 (Followers) it's lovely, people are so encouraging aren't they! What a lovely bunch crafters are!:0) xxx

  2. oh wow your greenhouse looks wonderful.. mine has been a bit neglected this year and i confess to buying most of my bedding plants . Still i have some tomatoes in there ..

    I look forward to seeing more paintings.. i am so jealous of that talent
    Lisa x

  3. oh wow, you do have green fingers, I miss gardening but it not a good climate here, long cold winters then straight into short but extremely hot and dry summers!
    Happy crafting and WOYWW!

  4. What a fully garden, it is another form of crafting, creating natural beauty. My greenhouse is still in bits at the moment. My OH has so many things to do that fitting bits of metal and glass together rather land at the bottom of the pile.

  5. Hi Lisa, many thanks for your helpful comment - I'm now on Google Chrome as Firefox didn't want to work for me either! Love your greenhouse and your garden - small, as you say, but really working hard by the looks of it. Love that Aquilegia - pale and pretty. I think I'm going to be able to post this comment - it's not all blogs that I'm having bother with :( Elizabeth x #53

  6. Your garden looks fabulous and so many gorgeous flowers!! You're not only a talented crafter, you're also a talented gardener... :)
    Thank you for all your lovely comments on my's always so good to see you!! :)
    Love and hugs, Emma xx

  7. Looks like a lot of nice stuff growing and the garden is divine! Just how I would like mine to be one day soon! LOL
    xoxo Sioux
    If you get this comment wey hey!!!

  8. Looks like a lot of nice stuff growing and the garden is divine! Just how I would like mine to be one day soon! LOL
    xoxo Sioux
    If you get this comment wey hey!!!

  9. That looks decidedly like our greenhouse! Actually did think of taking a photo of our back garden today as its looking so flourishing with vegetables (nothing so boring as flowers - as DH would say!) 1st courgette today!! Jill x

  10. Hi Lisa, If you can do all that to a small garden you can come and do my wasted big one anytime. We have to have a gardener now and whilst it looks OK it's not got the same love in it as in your plot. Love the well stocked greenhouse too.
    Jo xxx

  11. Love your pics Lisa. I only have one Aqueligia in this garden (had several at the old house) but it's a beautiful 'black' double variety. It's really very dark purple and it seems to like where it is because I keep getting more flowers every year. Your garden certainly is lovely.

    Lesley Xx

  12. Wow. Your outside work desk looks seriously fantastic! It seriously brightened up my day. Thanks for thinking to post that lovliness!

  13. Hi Lisa

    Loved the mooch round your greenhouse and garden this week. I think a lot of us are finding the gardening calling and taking priority over crafting at the moment.

    Di xx

  14. Oh Lisa your ‘desk’ this week puts me to shame.
    I have a half sized greenhouse and only ever really use it as a shelter and somewhere to plant up my pots for the garden.
    When I see all the lovely plants in yours it makes me realise that I really should attempt to use it more for the purpose it was intended for. Love the idea of planting things that stay in there too so it doesn’t look all neglected after you move your other plants out.

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving a message, its most appreciated.

    I guess I should be saying ‘Happy Gardening’ this week as opposed to Happy Crafting!


  15. wow what a beautiful garden you have x

  16. Hi Lisa
    Your garden is looking beautiful! I really ought to grow things in my greenhouse like you do, but it only really gets used for my tomatoes and cucumbers for a few months in the summer. It is really in the wrong place in our garden, but the previous owner put it there and it is getting on a bit and wouldn't take to being moved.I will try and collect some of my Aqueligia seeds for you. I have lots of pink ones and some two tone lilac and white ones. Mine seem to be taller than usual this year...or maybe I'm shrinking!!!

  17. Stunning floral photos Lisa and your garden is lovely - now I can see what you mean when you say you spend a lot on plants!!

    Hugs, Sylvia xxx

  18. Love your garden and green house. We picked radishes and lettuce out of the garden today. My husband planted beans, corn, okra, squash and heirloom tomato seeds the other day and already everything is up and growing! We already have 12 tomato plants growing but he wanted to try these. Looking forward to fresh vegies! Thanks for sharing. Vickie #46

  19. Your greenhouse desk is amazing and those flowers are beauties. They must love all the care and attention.

  20. So many lovely things to look at there Lisa thanks for showing me those Aqualegias we also call them Columbines and Granny bonnets!! happy WOYWW103!! love Shaz in Oz.x #43

  21. OOOoooo what a fantastic garden, as my kids grow thats what I want mine to be like. At the moment they need the space for running and learning to ride their bikes. However I've already started reasearching garden studios...and then I'll take it Cheers Claire x

  22. Ah your creativity spills to gardening as well, how marvellous. It looks wonderful..the greenhouse is a lesson in preparation and [patience!


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment. I love reading them.
