
Wednesday 18 May 2011

WOYWW and A Lovely Award

Afternoon lovely Crafters. Blimey, is it Wednesday again!! These weeks are just flying. I have spent the morning making pom pom spiders with my lovely class of 7 year olds. I did wonder when the teacher suggested them whether the kids would get bored winding wool, but how wrong could I be, they absolutely love it and are so thrilled with their finished spiders. We still have many to make but they are looking great hanging from the classroom ceiling.

If it's Wednesday , it must be WOYWW again. Only two weeks to go to the 2nd Anniversary and my Pif is finished and ready to go so I'm a relieved bunny this week. If you're wondering what on earth I'm talking about, then pop over to see the lovely Julia and she will explain all.

I'm in the middle of a bit of Paint Fusion at the minute. I had the idea of trying to represent a cornfield full of Poppies and Daisies. It's still a work in progress but I'll share it with you when it's finished.

I also have a photo printed off ready to do a LO when I've finished painting and the Scrapbook mag is open ready to provide some inspiration.

I was also thrilled this week to receive this lovely award from the very talented and inspirational Emma. If you haven't come across her blog than it's definitely worth a look, she is on the Clarity Design Team and does some fantastic work with Barbara's superb stamps and is a very supportive blogging buddy.

I am supposed to tell you seven interesting facts about myself which is really difficult but here are some that I've come up with.

1- I love my bed and hate getting up in the morning so we are always rushing about to get out of the house in time.

2- I have a button phobia so my poor husband has to sew his own on and I will never wear anything with them on, apart from jeans or trousers.

3- I was an Insurance Underwriter in a previous life.

4- I was born in Nottingham so am not a true Yorkshire woman.

5- I couldn't live without my garden and spend as much money on plants as I do on craft stash, forget shoes and handbags!!!

6-I am addicted to Neighbours and can't miss an episode, sad I know.

7- I feel truly blessed to be apart of this wonderful Crafty Blogging Community and treasure all the friends I have made through it.

I can never choose who to pass awards onto as you are all worthy, so if you haven't already received this one, please feel free to help yourself.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope your week is going well so far. It's still chilly and windy here but there is promise of some better weather at the weekend, here's hoping.


  1. love the poppie there so pretty x

  2. Sounds like you've had a fun morning, the pom pom spiders sound very interesting! :)

    Lovely to see all that work in progress and the Paint Fusion looks amazing. Can't wait to see the finished project.

    It was so good to read all about you and get to know my lovely blog buddy that bit more. Thank you for what you said about me and my work, really does mean so much and that's why you deserved this award!
    Enjoy the rest of the week...
    Love and lots of hugs, Emma xxx

  3. well done on your award - i loved reading your facts lol
    Love the poppies and daisies .. cant wait to see it finished
    Lisa x

  4. Fabulous fusion work on your table this week Lisa - can't wait to see the finished results. The wooly spiders sound like loads of fun - how lucky those children are to have you to inspire them. Congrats, on your Award too. See you soon - Hugs, Sylvia xxx

  5. Hi Lisa,
    I used to love making pompoms!
    I can't wait to see how your paint fusion goes and will look out for when you post the finished project.
    Congratulations on your award.
    Hugs, Clare x

  6. Wow Lisa, well done on the award! You always look so busy! I am clearing up between projects! I hate being in a mess!

    Jill x

  7. Oh Lisa, you're more interesting than you think - love your 7 things! Sorry about the button thing - that has to be difficult. I LOVE your painting it's gorge..great combination of flowers and the 'view' is perfect.

  8. LOVE the paint fusion ... cannot wait to see it when it is finished! Pom poms certainly take me back :0)

  9. Your paint fusion looks awesome! That is going to be a fabulous piece! So, we were both born in Notts and are both Neighbours addicts, and spend all our money on the garden and stash!

  10. Such an interesting post as usual Lisa thanks so much for sharing all your life info; and so agree with number one there ... hate mornings too - am not a morning person that is why the tv is off and am in here at night on the computer either that or crafting and yes so agree with your spending habits too mine are the same thought must admit of late the garden is a poor second. Happy WOYWW Shaz in Oz.x

  11. Thanks for sharing yourself with us... it was so nice to read about you. Lovely poppies, hope you show us when it's finnished!

  12. I love those poppies and daisies. Such a beautiful combination of flowers!! The spiders sound like fun. Well done on your award. Agree with you on No. 1 but I now have to be up a little earlier for my new Babies now!!

  13. We made pom poms at school too and they were a lot of fun, even the boys likes them. Love the poppies and daisy's and I always like reading a bit about peeps. I did the A - Z of me today for a laugh.

    Brenda 84

  14. Hi Lisa, Your poppies are looking wonderful already, WOW with the daisies they really pop! Glad I'm not in that classroom with all the spiders, eeeuuuwww not a spider fan, LOL
    Congratulations on your award, well deserved:0) You are truly crafty, making and decorating cakes as well, I'm impressed. Did you check out any of the other cakes? They aren't called Cake Wrecks for nothing, some of them are hilarious, if you get a minute check it out. Have fun :0) xxx

  15. Sorry, I forgot to say, very interesting facts, so nice to get to know you a little better:0) xxx

  16. Hi Lisa

    I love having a look at your workspace .. .. it always looks so interesting with lots of scrummy things.

    I also enjoyed reading your "interesting facts". So we will never be seeing any buttons on your stunning creations then?

    Congratulations on your award.

    Love Jules xx

  17. I just love the poppies! A class full of 7 year olds....just wonderful as they are so eager to learn at the age. I bet the pom pom spiders were a huge hit. TFS

  18. Thanks for visiting me - I think I.m number 52 now. Goodness know how thw PIF will work at theis rate!!LOL Julia will be having to put another list up to sort it all out!
    Love the poppies and the thought of all those pompom spiders is great.
    x Tricia

  19. Thank you for stopping by my blog. Your poppies look so lovely! See you next Wednesday!:-)

  20. oh my...those red poppies are lovely! Happy WOYWW!

  21. Hi Lisa, thanks for calling by on WOYWW. My comment was going to ask about both the science putty and whether there were any chocs in the box. Then I got into reading the earlier posts on you blog and my answers were there! Just love the work in progress - and your PiF is already done?! Help!! Di x

  22. Hi Lisa,
    Never heard of anyone with a button phobia before! And pls post a picture of the spiders hanging from the ceiling when it's done! Patsy from


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