
Tuesday 3 May 2011

Our Day Out

Evening lovely Crafters. Weren't we blessed with amazing weather over the Bank Holiday weekend. It was quite a shock to wake up to cloud today, although it did brighten up later but has been much cooler here. We desperately need rain,though, the garden is like dust and with the strong winds my pots were looking very sad and wilted last night. I had to go out and generously water all of them which is something I expect to do in July, not early May.

I thought I'd share some pics of our day out yesterday. I bet all my Yorkshire Blogging Buddies will recognise where we went, but if you don't know, this is a local beauty spot called Malham Cove. Aren't we lucky to have this on our doorstep. There were plenty of people about but everyone was very friendly and when we climbed all the steps to the top, and there were plenty I can assure you, everyone was encouraging each other and there was lots of banter about. I think the good mood of the Royal Wedding was still in the air. It was a lovely atmosphere.

This was the view from the top looking over the limestone pavement. Pretty stunning isn't it. We could actually see the huge fire burning on the top of Halifax Moor which is a good distance away, the air was so clear.

It was a lovely day out but now we are back to normal so I must knuckle down and get some crafting done.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Tuesday has gone well..


  1. Malham cove looks wonderful. fab pics
    Lisa x

  2. Wow, that looks gorgeous - never been there before so I must add it to my list of places to visit! We walked over Marsden Moor last week and saw where some of the fires had burnt all the bracken, such a shame. Everywhere seems so dry too, we walked past a reservoir that was practically empty. Maybe if we could start just having rainfall overnight it'd fix everything?

  3. Don't remember there being any steps in the old days! We went on a geology field trip there when I was 15!!! It's a super view ;)
    xoxo Sioux

  4. Looks amazing, but that climb would have killed me!

    I'm confused as to why it's called a cove though, I thought a cove was something at the edge of the sea.

    Lin xx

  5. Oh wow...what a beautiful place! It looks gorgeous and your pics are lovely. It must've been a wonderful day and I'm glad you had a good time.

    Hope you managed to get some crafting done and I know what you mean about the garden turning into a dessert...but I suppose we'll suffer for this beautiful weather and it will rain throughout the summer months. Hey, we do live in the UK, after all!!! lol

    Thanks for your kind words on my blog really does mean so much to me!
    Love and hugs, Emma xxx

  6. You have really brought back a lot of memories for me with those photos. I spent 3 years at training college at Bingley, and one of our activities was an outward bound course in the Dales. It included a night hike. some kind soul moved all the direction arrows, and we all came close to falling over the edge at Malham - not too funny. A lovely part of the country.

  7. Isn’t nature clever and wonderful Lisa!

    I’m glad you had a lovely day out.


  8. Oh my word Lisa - these photos brought back lots of happy memories - I have some photos of Hubby and I taken in exactly the same spot, in our courting days, back in 1964. (Our pics. are black and white though)!!! It really is a beautiful place. Pleased you had a lovely day.
    See you soon - hugs, Sylvia xxx

  9. Hi Lisa,

    Just catching up after being away over Easter. Looks like you had a good time too! Great to see your photo of Malham Cove. One of my favourite places to visit before I moved away from Yorkshire, but it's a few years now since I was last there. I don't remember any steps either! We used to go from there to Gordal Scar and climb up the waterfall if there wasn't too much water coming down. Wonderful memories! xx


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