
Friday 1 April 2011

Stampman ATC Swap

Evening lovely Bloggers from a very windy Yorkshire. We've been battered about over the last two days. I think the weathermen were kidding when they said it was going to be the warmest day of the year today. Perhaps is was an April Fool's joke!!!

It's been a very busy week here and I'm absolutely delighted to tell you that I sold every single one of the 30 bookmarks I made. The children loved them and when it's all for such a good cause as school funds I'm thrilled. Roll on the Easter Fair on Easter Saturday although that will be hopefully for my crafty funds as well as helping the school of course.

As it's the first of the month, that must mean it's the start of a new theme over at The Stampman's ATC swap and this time it's birds.

ATC's are still something very new to me and I'm not sure they've hooked me like tags have but here is my effort for my design piece this time.

I had another go at the resist technique everyone was playing with a week or so ago but this time tried watercolour paper. All the stamps I've used are from the Urban Chic stamp set from Tim Holtz. The script was clear embossed and then Antique Linen distress ink put on an acrylic block and spritzed with water before being stamped onto the paper. I over stamped with another script using Brushed Corduroy and the scroll at the top used Aged Mahogany and was spritzed with water before being stamped

Lastly the bird and little sentiment was added in Forest Moss.

Thanks for stopping by and for the lovely comments you always leave. I appreciate them so much.

Wishing you a lovely weekend.


  1. so glad you sold the bookmarks ... they were gorgeous so i am not surprised.
    Great little ATC - love the techinique
    Lisa x

  2. hey Lisa, I never understood the ATC craze either and have enough trouble squashing my ideas onto a card let alone something that small!!
    Sorry the weather hasn't been too great - hopefully it will pick up over the weekend for you?
    Hugs xxx

  3. Hi Lisa, this is so very gorgeous. I love it love all the texture.
    hope you are well hugs chris xx

  4. Beautiful ATC Lisa! I am so pleased your mother's day bookmarks sold. It has been windy here too. We have had eco week this week at school involving being outside lots. some of the smaller children were in danger of taking off!!!

  5. Hi Lisa. I am so pleased to hear that you sold such a lot - can't say I am surprised though! Love your resist on watercolour paper, must try that one. Now I have realised how easy it is to do and how effective I try it out quite a bit!

    Its been quite windy here as well - its usually the SW that gets blown into the middle of next week. Have a lovely weekend! Jill x

  6. Hi Lisa. I love your ATC. I find them a bit small to work on myself and NEVER took to inchies at all lol! Seems the bigger the better for me.
    This is gorgeous though and love all the different layers, muted colours and lovely stamps you've used.
    Lesley x

  7. Really pleased to hear the bookmarks went well. Love your atc - fab texture and image! Cheers Claire x

  8. A fabulous ATC Lisa and well done on the 'sell out' bookmarks! Mark was convinced it was going to be 20 degrees yesterday and I said it's probably an April Fool - it was awful, cold and dull! A little better today though.

    Love Lynda xxx

  9. You've created a really lovely vintage look with that technique. Well done re the bookmarks too.
    JoZarty x
    BTW Hobbycraft have small plastic eggs at £1.99 for about 20. I have some left overs I can send if you don't have a store near you. JLMK.They also do larger eggs which open up in to two so you can pop chocky or money inside and they are £1.99 for 10.

  10. Hi Lisa

    Well done on the bookmark front. I hope you do just as well at the Easter Fair.

    Loving the look of your ATC.

    Great technique. Another one to add to my long list of "when I have time then try ......" LOL!!!

    Thank you for all your lovely comments on my blog recently. Life is very busy at the moment and I am finally getting round to a good old catch up.

    You have been super busy!!

    I hope you have been having a lovely Mother's Day.

    Love Jules xx

  11. Lisa this is fabulous, love all the techniques you have used, really gives it depth & texture.
    Well done on the bookmarks - not surprised though, they were gorgeous.
    Avril xx

  12. This is lovely. Love all the different layers of stamping and the colours used.
    Beryl xx


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