
Tuesday 1 March 2011

Just Playing.

Evening lovely Bloggers. I hope you have all been blessed with the beautiful sunshine we have had in Yorkshire today. It's been wonderful and I have spent most of it in the garden so am one happy bunny tonight.

I don't know whether any of you have been watching Sheena Douglass on Create and Craft this week. She had a Pick Of The Week with her new Paint Fusion last Friday which was a run away success and had completely sold out within 48 hours, which I have never heard happening before.

It's a new painting technique and she makes it look very easy. The DT were lucky enough to receive all the goodies to have a play with along with Sheena's new DVD which explains everything in great detail and is a brilliant watch. Some of the techniques are incredibly easy and so effective but others take a bit of practice and my hand eye co-ordination is not quite getting it yet. Still that means lots more playing time for me!!

I thought I would share a card I made yesterday with the daisy stamps which are my favourite at the minute and I'm entering it into the Try It On Tuesday challenge which this week is a card Inspired by a song. If you haven't worked it out mine is "Daisy Daisy give me your answer do" I'll stop singing now, it's not pretty.

I embossed the flowers first with the Platinum sparkle WOW embossing powder so that you can just see it once they are painted. My technique is still not quite right, I'm being a bit stingy with the paint on my brush but if you want to see how it should be done, have a look at the gorgeous samples on Sheena's blog.

I've had another first this week, my first ever ATC which was for The Stampman's ATC swap. You won't believe how long this took me as I had to look up what size to make it. I kept it simple and made a distress ink background with faded jeans and peeled paint wiped over and then sprayed with water and blotted to make it really pale. The script was stamped in peeled paint and then the text in broken china as was my lovely Umbrella Man. I clear embossed him and stuck him on with foam pads. The DT have made some far more detailed and gorgeous examples so if you're into ATC's why not pop over and have a look.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Wow, your daisies are stunning Lisa!
    Hugs, Clare x

  2. Wwo wow wow Lisa it looks gorgeous to me! Err.... no we haven't had your sunshine, just dull and cold! Jill x

  3. I shall go and investigate this new technique of Sheena's - I haven't seen it :( Your card looks amazing though and very interesting. It's beautiful!
    Love the umbrella man ATC too, I've just ordered the new Umbrella man die...
    Lesley x

  4. Love both of these! I watched Sheena at the weekend and thought it looked so wonderful! Lucky you with all that lovely stuff to play with! Your Daisies look brilliant to me. It took soooo much will power to stop myself from ordering! It's a shame the multibuy didn't include a few extra hours a week! Needless to say it is all on my wish list.

  5. Wow, Lisa, your daisy card is amazing! Stunningly gorgeous! You're obviously a natural with the painting, it's superb. And well done with your first ATC. Brilliant!

    You've been lucky with the weather today. Dull, damp and grey here for most of the day :-(

  6. Lisa your daisys are gorgeous. Being one of the lucky one's am looking forward to receiving my POW and those beautiful stamps. XOXO Zoe

  7. These are both fab Lisa. I have been watching Sheena on and off both at the weekend and today. Have to own up to not ordering anything though as I have a personal preference of not ordering from shopping channels. Glad everything 'went' so well for Sheena though.

    I personally thing you've made a fabulous job with these paints and your daisies look gorgeous. They are one of my favourite flowers. Love your Umberella Man ATC too. The background if lovely.

    We've had a dry day here in Notts but not the sunshine you speak off and quite a cool strong breeze. I hope you send some of your sunshine a few miles further south tomorrow, Lol!

    Lesley Xx

  8. Looks like you've been having fun. Your daisy's are great and yes I caught some of the show - she's a great demonstrator!Cheers Claire x

  9. Great daisies and lovely ATC... but that painting technique id not really Sheena's... Donna Dewbury brought it out moons ago with a plastic practice sheet... but she HAS brought it up to date

  10. I think your daisies are brilliant Lisa and the centres look very realistic. I'd never be able to do anything like them.

    Like your ATC too, I've not made one before but I did do my first twinchie recently. It's funny how constraining it feels when you have to work within certain dimensions isn't it?

    It's been soooooo nice having some sunshine recently, really lifts everyone's spirits. Ellie & I have been going for some lovely walks in the afternoons.


  11. Glad you looked her up... she does great stuff and is so talented. I love Sheena, but it's not really fair to think it's her idea... great idea to use stamps to make it accessible though...

  12. Lovely makes Lisa.

    I'm on the slow game of catch up to say thanks so much for your support these last few weeks whilst I have been missing from blogland.

    B x

  13. Your creations are gorgeous! My Paint Fusion kit arrived today, so after seeing your lovely daisies, I can't wait to now get started!!

    Thank you for your very kind words and lovely comment over on my blog!! It's always a pleasure to meet new followers!! :)
    Love and hugs, Emma xx

  14. Lisa seeing as you haven't a WOYWW post will comment on your stunning daisies I LOVE em!
    and now you will have that song running around my head.. we cant watch that Sheen Douglas over here but knew it was out as had newsletter..lovely to see it in action TFS!
    love Shaz in Oz.x

  15. Your Daisies are gorgeous, a beautiful card. Thankyou for joining us at TioT's this wek.
    Love your ATC as well

  16. A stunning card Lisa and using a wonderful technique, pretty amazing for your first try too. Fabulous entry for TioT this week. Thanks for playing, hope all is well and that you're smiling!
    x Michelle

  17. Great ATC and your Daisy card is beautiful. Very stunning. thansk for sharing and have a great day. Angela


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