
Wednesday 5 January 2011

WOYWW For A New Year

Afternoon all you lovely Bloggers and a very Happy New Year to all fellow WOYWW's. I've been absent for a few weeks due to all things Christmas but all things twinkly and sparkly have been put away for another year, I have dusted myself off and boy am I enjoying getting back to normal. Holidays are lovely but I have enjoyed getting back into a routine again, how sad is that. To get the house properly clean and be able to escape to my Craft room without feeling guilty is great. My mojo has also come slinking back too so I feel raring to go now. Thanks to whoever found it and returned it with a flea in it's ear!!!!

There is nothing but a pile of things to be put away and sorted out on my workdesk at the moment but I have decided that making things and just putting them in a box never see the light of day again is not on. If you make something, display it and be proud, that's my new motto for this year.

With this in mind I have strung up all the tags I've made over the window in my craft room using a Christmas card hanger I picked up very cheaply. There are hundreds of little clips left so I can add to it whenever a new one comes along and I'm quite pleased with how they look.

My DH has also put a new shelf unit up for me to store all my inks on. Can you ever have enough storage space? I'm beginning to think that however organised you try to be there is never enough room!!

Well, that's me for this week. Hopefully I'll have something to show you next time now the creative juices are flowing again.

If you want to join in with the huge number of WOYWW's out there pop over to Julia's blog to see what it's all about. I shall do my best to get round this week. I love having a good nosey but haven't done very well lately.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope your week has gone smoothly so far.


  1. Hi Lisa, I love your tag storage. So clever and so inspirational too.
    Hugs, Clare x

  2. Wow - amazing tags and clever to display them so nicely too. Have a great week!

  3. How fab the tags look...and a constant source of inspiration too :)
    xoxo Sioux

  4. Wow Lisa .. .. what a lovely array of wonderful tags!!!

    I think you are right in that there is never enough storage space.

    As for my hyper-activity. I always start the new year off with good intentions on this front .. .. but it seldom lasts LOL!!!

    I chose to have a freezer in the garage that I needed to defrost .. .. otherwise I would never empty it and find all the things that need eating up. New stuff just keeps being pushed in and the old stays at the back!!!

    Yes, valentines and Mothers Day now Lisa!! Have fun!!

    Love Jules xx

  5. Yeah the mojo is back, new it was out there somewhere!! Just love all those tags, how great is that?! You're right no matter how much space we have we manage to fill it! Jill x

  6. Oooo love your tags and what a fab idea for displaying them.

    Suzilou #118

  7. Hi Lisa, I so agree with you, holidays are fine but it's nice to get back to normal. We took our decs down on Monday because we'd seen enough of them. Love your display of tags - sooo impressive and inspsirational. Look forward to seeing what you do now that your mojo has returned. Hugs, Elizabeth #76

  8. Hey Lisa, your tags look brill and what a great idea to display your creations. The shelf unit looks brill too.

    Thanks as always for your kind comments on my post :-)

    Oh, I nearly forgot to ask - did you feel the earthquake? We didn't but I think we are too far south of Ripon


  9. What a great way to display your tags, they look fab.
    Linbyx #109

  10. Those tags are quite something and how lucky to have a handy spouse... great shelves!
    Happy New Year !

  11. What a fantastic craft room you have - and I just love all your stunning tags. I tend to give mine away. I think this year I will hang on to some of my art work for a change.

  12. What a fab idea to hang all your tags so you can admire your work! I think I will do the same with my 365 ATC project...if you don't mind me copying your idea. :-) Happy New Year. Thanks for stopping by my desk. #7

  13. I've been thinking of a collective noun for a group of tags, and the only one that fits is "a beauty of tags". That collection will be so inspiring when you look at it every day.

    Glad that mojo has slunk back home with its tail between its legs. I'm sure it will be happy to stay home now!

    Happy WOYWW
    Bernie #17

  14. Oh my goodness Lisa! I love your new motto. I think all those beautiful tags being displayed helped with the hip hoppin' mojo! Your blog looks fantastic too - love the colors and the background. You're busting out of that 2011 starting gate!

  15. The tags are beautiful and what a lovely way to display. Well done for getting DH to put up the shelves, there is never enough storage space.
    Sandra #66

  16. wow..i do love you tags soo much.i think it will take about 5 mins to admire and learn each technique that shown in each the way how many tags there? so i guess is should spend whole day there :P

  17. Your tags are really amazing.
    Thank you for your caring comments yesterday. I'm pleased to say the sciatica seems much improved today and I'm actually able to tackle some sewing :-)
    A x

  18. Brilliant idea for the tags, I try to keep some cards out that haven't been sent off yet as I like to look at them too. Great new storage also, and yes, we always need more!

    Brenda 83

  19. What a beautiful collection of tags. Gorgeous.


  20. Hi Lisa

    Christmas did rather take over for what seemed like ages this year didn't it.

    I love you ide of stringing your tags, I never know what to do with them and have mine all stached away on a box. So thanks for the idea.

    Happy New Year to you.

    B x

  21. So nice to see all those loveely tags on display. So glad they are seeing the light of day - far too good the languish in a box.
    Beryl xx

  22. Love your tags and now I'm thinking youmust be very tall to reach the top of your new shelf unit! Happy New Year!!
    Happy WOYWW

  23. Those tags make the most beautiful decoration...for all year round...lovely and clever idea.
    Sue xx 50

  24. What a brill idea with the tags - love that one with the tree on especially (all lovely but that one caught my eye).
    Some handy DH you have there - treasure him - those shelves are fabulous.
    Happy New Year

  25. your tag storage is a great idea and so decorative.

    what a nice DH to put up those shelves, I am still waiting on mine repairing the shelves that collapsed with all my clean washing on them. Until he gets that right he is getting nowhere near my craft stuff - ha ha!

    thanks for dropping by earlier.
    caroline #53

  26. My word, but you have made a lot of tags and the one more beautiful than the other. Lovely storage your hubby put up. Its such a gift to have a handyman in the house isn't it?

  27. No Lisa, there's never enough room - and every time you re-organise, something is too far out of reach!! Your tags look absolutely fab - and you are so right - display and be proud.

  28. No Lisa, there's never enough room - and every time you re-organise, something is too far out of reach!! Your tags look absolutely fab - and you are so right - display and be proud.

  29. Love Love Love your tag display - there's inspiration all around you with all those little beauties! Sorry I haven't been around much lately but I had to pop over after you left me that comment - I had no idea Elusive Images had folded - where have I been!!! Anyway after popping over to Glenda's blog it looks like they'll be starting up again with something so I will try and keep on the ball with this one. I'm like a Mushroom - always in the dark lol!

    Thanks for your lovely comments and any time you want more images just let me know.

    Love Lynda xxx

  30. Goodness Lisa those tags are beautiful & you are quite right that you should keep your work on display not much point in doing it if it's put away in a box! Glad you like getting back into a routine, I'm the same even if it does mean no more lay ins! Have a good weekend! Tracey x

  31. Love all your tags. Great idea. Thanks for visiting me. Kathleen x

  32. Love the tags hung above the window and that fabulous new shelf. There is never enough storage! Hmmm, wonder if not going shopping might help the problem, oh, but no fun. #95

  33. Awesome yummy tags, great workspace. Thanks for the peek and sharing. Hugs, Marjo #23

  34. I love the way you have displayed all of your tags - I too feel that I make stuff and it just gets put away in a drawer - I have just put all my tags into a basket and I am going to use them as quick notes/thank you cards and start giving them away now as I have so many unseen ones! Thanks for commenting on my blog - I have now finished the circular squash book (such a relief!) and yes I am so glad I have!

  35. Wow! Your tags put mine to shame! They are stunningly beautiful! I absolutely love the idea of hanging them up to enjoy them! I am quite enjoying making mine and after I finish my "ring" of tags I just may keep making them in between other projects and "borrow" your idea of displaying them!
    Thanks for visiting me on my blog!
    xoxo Karen

  36. Your tags look wonderful Lisa!! What a lovely display. xx

  37. beautiful tags! great idea to keep them out of the box and displayed for all to see!

  38. You have found a terrific way to display all your tags - that's a great motto for the New Year!
    Vicki, A little inkling
    (and Opehlia, meow)

  39. Oh wow Lisa, what a lot of tags!
    I love the way you’ve displayed them, must nicer that hiding them away in a drawer somewhere.

    Happy New Year

  40. Your tags all look fabulous Lisa and what a great way to display them. I too don't think you can ever have enough storage. My craftroom is not even one year old yet and it's already filled to overflowing.

    Lesley Xx


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