
Wednesday 12 January 2011

WOYWW and a touch of Stargazing

Two posts in two days, yes I know. I'm determined to be a better blogger in 2011.

Well, here we are at Wednesday again which means it's time for a snoop around all those lovely desks with our esteemed leader Julia. I was determined that I was going to visit as many as I could last week and think I got around half so apologies if I didn't get to you. Those WOYWW's that get round everyone, you have my admiration, how do you do it!!

I took my photos while crafting was in full flow at lunchtime but when I came to upload them they are all out of focus, shocking for someone who is supposed to be interested in photography, so I have had to go and take them again. Trouble is I've tidied up since earlier so I thought I'd give you a guided tour of my room. It's only tiny. I stood in one spot and just turned round but you get the general idea.

As you can see, my chair doubles up as a table for my cuttlebug and dies and stuff.

This is the card I was making when I originally took the photos. It's one of those we all dread but needs must. I used my new Marion Eberson stamps from QVC and kept things very simple. All that white space would normal scare me to death but I think it works on this occasion, what do you think?

Lastly, I thought I would share a photo I took last night. We have been fascinated by the recent Stargazing programmes on TV and last night was the first clear one we've had so after tea, well wrapped up we went and stood in the garden eyes heavenward. I hope the neighbours weren't looking otherwise they'd have thought we were mad. I had a go at taking some photos and this was the best result. You might have to click on the photo to see it better.

Thanks for stopping by and for all those WOYWW's who are living in the areas of Australia suffering those terrible floods, our thoughts are with you. Stay Safe.


  1. Lots of creativity going on in your room. I love the Marion Eberson stamp and agree the white space works really well, its a lovely card.
    Karen #92

  2. Gosh Lisa - you have been busy! Love the guided tour of your craft room - very tidy and well organised by the way! The sympathy card is perfect for the occasion - clean and simple and heartfelt. I'm impressed with the photo of the starry night sky - must be quite difficult to achieve such a brilliant result. See you soon -
    Love, Sylvia xxx

  3. The card is just right....:)
    I used to use the middle star on Orion's belt to wish on when I was little...well done for getting the stars without them being too blurry....I've tried before now and it never works for me!! LOL
    xoxo Sioux

  4. Thanks for the tour of your work room - and all pretty tidy too. Is that a toothbrush I see on the top of the shelving unit? Now what crafting technique would involve an electric toothbrush :) The sympathy card is perfect and the photo of the night sky is fab - you must live in an area that is not too poluted with light. Thanks for sharing this with us. Elizabeth #87

  5. Hi Lisa,

    I can see what I used to call the "Spotty Dog" in your photograph of the sky. I always used to look out for him when I was little.

    Clare x

  6. Its so nice to see someone else uses a chair as a table!! I have to say that I never leave my room in a mess, there would be absolutely no room to work at all if I did that and yes, I promise I will take photos of my room to put on my blog! Jill x

  7. Firstly, the card definitely works, a great example of clean & simple. I think it's perfect for a sympathy card too. I must check out those stamps, not heard of them before.

    I have to ask about the electric toothbrush! is that for a special technique or did it just lose it's way?!!!

    I like your photo of the stars, I'd have just got a bit of tree or a black sky!

  8. Hi Lisa - I don't know which I'm more impressed with - the fct that you have such a tidy workspace #(compared to mine) or the gorgeous elegant card. Love the night photo too.
    I see you've been following Harmony's blog - terrible state of affairs over there at the moment.My heart goes out to them all down under.
    Beryl xx

  9. Your night sky pic is great. The sympathy card is just right. They are so hard!

  10. What a wonderful sympathy card - so peaceful. Lovely starry photo....cheers Claire x

  11. Your card is perfect Lisa, I love Marion's stamps & her shop is near me which is handy but not good for my purse! I use my chair extra 'filing' space too! Your photos of the stars are lovely, well done. Haveva great week. Tracey x

  12. great photo, lovely card. 127

  13. Stunning card, Lisa! I love the stamp - not seen those before. Very elegant. we have been watching the stargazing programmes too. Your photo of Orion is very impressive. We tend to do a bit more stargazing in the summer when we are on holiday as the light pollution here is quite bad

  14. Hi Lisa, me again. I itemise everthing because essentially I'm anal. I used to be in the army where I learned to be oh so precise, smart, neat and tidy and it's never left me, or I've never got over it:( Re rock-a-blocks, they take a bit of practice after using the clear acrylic blocks. I kept getting it wrong at first but I'm okay now and can even switch between the different types. Thanks for visit. Elizabeth #87

  15. Hi Lisa, me again. Re your query on the Naked Tree card, I think I've been influenced by several people for this one. I do get Craft Stamper so must have seen it there but I saw Ali of Stamps Away demo it on C&C TV yesterday and that had me reaching for the post-it pad. I have another one ready to use on a card which is in shades of green and blue - very nice too. Will post it as soon as I've made a card with it. Hugs, Elizabeth x

  16. Just loving your crafty space lisa and Orion is as clear as a bell!!!! Thanks for those lovely comments on my blog.... I really appreciate them

  17. great space. I am so intrigued by the large round stamp and would love to reach in the computer and turn it over to see the image.

  18. There is never anywhere to put the Cuttlebug. It can't be put away, cos it will be needed and its to heavy to gently push to one side.
    The star picture is wonderful. If I had taken that I would think I was a professional!!!
    Sue xx 67

  19. What fab organised crafty stash you have to show us.
    Thanks for dropping by my blog....yes the cushions were really huge and because they were boat cushions they were also mishaped with no two corners the same so a very challenging job but thankfully they are now finished and have been collected by a very satisfied customer :-)
    A x

  20. You mean chairs are not storage spaces? First word I hear of that.
    Lovely card.
    Tertia 88

  21. Oooh, I like the night time shot of the stars! Also like your studio. Nice organization. Thanks for sharing and for stopping by my desk! #11

  22. fabulous crafty space you have, and you've been soooo busy. but still tidy (unlike me!)! I love your little box of draws with the butterflies, lovely card too.
    (Lyn) Happy ((Late)) WOYWW!!

  23. I'm glad you told us you'd tidied up because it looks incredibly organised to me!
    Love that last picture!

  24. Hi Lisa,

    Wonderful card. super productive it.

    Thanks so much for the peek and sharing. Hugs, Marjo #22

  25. Nice work space. I love the card!

  26. Hi Lisa

    Your room does look super neat and organised .. .. .. and do I spy a valentine card sitting there?

    Great night picture. I have never tried taking one of those.

    Love Jules xx

  27. I had a little laugh at your cuttlebug on your chair..where do you sit? Busy yet organized workspace you have there...looks like lots of goodies!

    Thanks for the peek! :D


  28. It might only be small but it's perfectly organized. Love the card, they're never easy to make but you've nailed it.

    Brenda 94

  29. I think you'd better pop over to Sheena's blog Lisa. I think it's you - unless there's another Lisa from Leeds.
    Beryl xx

  30. Love your room and the that white card is very classy - thanks for sharing ~ Nicky 45

  31. I love clean and simple cards and this is gorgeous Lisa. I bought some Marion Emberson stamps too - the tree ones :)

    Fabulous picture of Orion in the night sky there. I too enjoyed the programmes. It's very humbling to realise how small we are in the scheme of things.

    Lesley x

  32. Sympathy cards are never easy to make are they Lisa, but you’ve done a fab job with this one. I love the clean and simple lines.

    Grate picture of the night ski too. I quite often look up at the stars but we have too many street lights round here so I only ever see the obvious ones. Did manage to see a shooting star once though!


  33. The card is lovely and classy even though it's for a sad occasion. Your workspace looks fab.

  34. Your room is lovely - and very organised! I think the card is perfect too.

  35. Fab room Lisa and lots of creative goings on there too.
    love your card and your tutorial is excellent.
    Your star struck starry night pic is really good... captured so well.
    Thanks for visiting me and look out as I'll be blogging from CHA as I'm taking my laptop with me.
    Getting the colly wobbles now... so excited!
    Jo x

  36. Love the night sky photo Lisa and your 'needs must' card is absolutely perfect. Unfortunately, I've had a couple of those to make this month too. Love the image and colour you used.

    Lesley Xx


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