
Monday 6 December 2010

Just Playing Around

Afternoon all my lovely Blogging friends. Do you know how nice it is to know you are all out there to chat too. It doesn't half cheer a girl up. You are such a fantastic bunch of people and I never take you for granted. Just wanted to say that!

I think I was all Christmas carded out at the weekend. I have many to make for friends and family, but I'm taking Jules' advice and keeping my Fayre cards for next year. I don't think I can face sending them all out. Anyway, I prefer sending more "me" cards if that makes any sense at all. When you are making them to attract people with pennies to spend they have to be fairly generic, the general public don't "get" arty cards I've found. Sorry I'm waffling.

What I meant to say was that I spent the afternoon yesterday just playing with a tag inspired by one of Tim's 12 days of Christmas tags. Have you been following him, they are a pretty impressive collection so far aren't they?

The background of the tag was done with my new SU inks, which I just adore at the minute and then the Habico Santa was stamped in the same blue as was the snowflakes to blend him into the background.

I didn't have any of the things Tim used so I white embossed some snowflakes and then covered them with glossy accents to represent the glints. The pearls at the bottom are liquid pearls and the gem swirls were stuck on by hand. The little tag was one I had saved from the internet and I made a paper clip from some silver wire. Santa's glasses were picked out with a silver gel pen and a few beads added to the tassel.

I'm entering him into the Tuesday Taggers challenge this week which is St Nick. They are being sponsored by The Craft Barn so it's well worth checking out if you're very quick!!!

And also The Stampman's fortnightly challenge which is Christmas in Three Colours. Mine are blue, silver and white.

I've also linked my Tim inspired tag to Artyjen's splinter group who are playing along with the 12 days of Christmas tags. If you are tagging too go and check them out, there is some absolutely gorgeous tags being created

Just before I go I thought I'd share with you the view I had today from our Conservatory window this morning. Yes, the ice is on the inside. It got down to -14oC apparently.

Thanks for stopping by and keep safe and warm.


  1. Gorgeous Tag Lisa, love that Santa. Brrr...., that window looks positively baltic!
    Donna x

  2. I Love, love, love your tag!!! Its stunning!!!
    Julie xx

  3. hi Lisa, wow this tag is gorgeous, so so beautiful.
    I know what you mean about generic cards and having to get the right ones to sell, people dont always get the "arty farty" one's as I call them, its the same when I go a bit arty farty in one of my classes, you occasionally here the class mates mumbling so I have to keep it clean cut as I call them, whos waffling now? sorry.
    anyway I wouldnt want to have been in your conservatory this morning, thats cold. hugs to you Chris xx

  4. Hi Lisa

    A realy quick catch up visit to say hello, still only able to do short bursts on the computer, but don't want you thinking I've forgotten you.

    B x

  5. Such a pretty variation of Tims tag, beautifully stamped and blinged, thanks for sharing xxx

  6. Your tag is gorgeous - a super stap and background and I love what you've done with the glossy accents. Sorry to say this but I was sitting in our conservatory again today - sun shining - windows wide open (it was so hot)- it felt like July. That was until the sun went in about three o clock.
    Beryl xx

  7. Gorgeous tag so love the blues and silvers that Santa stamp is magical this way.

    Sorry do not seem to have been by for an age just been busy doing not a lot!

    Take care and have fun xx Zoe

  8. Hi Lisa! Your tag turned out gorgeous with the Santa;)
    Thanks for joining in at the splinter group ;)
    xoxo Sioux
    The general public are right pains at times....they don't know what they are missing! HOL

  9. Gorgeous Tag Lisa! Know what you mean about the Arty ones. They tend to be the ones left in my box on the staffroom table! You know your blogging friends will appreciate them though!!! The icy window is so beautiful, even if it does mean your conservatory was freezing!

  10. Beautiful! Yep its a bit parky round these parts me thinks LOL Thanks for joining us at TT and the Stamp Man this week Janet x

  11. Hi Lisa, Yep, it was -14 here in Mansfield too both this morning and this evening. I don't think it got that much above it all day either!

    Love your tag. It's gorgeous and very 'icy' looking with all the blues.

    Lesley Xx

  12. Gorgeous version of Tim's tag.
    PS: That window sure looks cold!

  13. I love your tag Lisa, it's stunning!! Thank you for entering it into our Challenge.

    It looks like we are in for more cold weather Lisa, keep out of your conservatory and keep warm!!


  14. I love your tag. It's stunning X


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