
Wednesday 17 June 2009

Birthdays Galore

It's been a really wet day here, although the sun is just beginning to break through. I've managed to catch up with the ironing and all those inside jobs and the weatherman said at lunchtime that it's going to turn really HOT next week!!!! Lovely.

We've had a birthday fest here over the last few weeks so card production has been in overdrive. It was my sister's yesterday and my mum in law's today. Happy Birthday to both of them.

I sort of cheated with their cards because I found a sheet of Kanban elegant ladies I'd bought ages ago and thought I'd use them up so both cards have been fairly quick and easy.

I stamped Heidi Grace flourishes round the edges and the backing paper was from Dovecraft and there is not much more to say about them.

I was challenged awhile ago by Sally from crafty salutions with the 6x6x6 challenge. Pick the 6th photo from your 6th photo folder and tell a story about it.

This is my photo and surprise surprise it is a flower!!!! There isn't a great deal to say about it apart from the fact that I love Irises but don't have a lot of luck with them in my garden. They need to have their tubers backed in the sun and I cram such a lot of plants in that there is never enough spare ground to give them the space they need. I've had this lovely blue one for years and it did manage to flower one year and I took lots of photos to mark the occasion, of which this is one of them.

I am supposed to challenge 6 more people but I hope Sally doesn't mind but I know how busy all you crafters are so I am not going to ask anyone specifically but just say if you want to join in then please do so.

Thank you for visiting, I really appreciate all your comments.


  1. Wow those Kanban ladies are gorgeous!

  2. Lovely cards and a great photo. I too love Irises particularly smaller, daintier varieties. This looks like a beauty!

  3. Evening Lisa, beautiul Iris and lovely cards, those Kanabn toppers are elegant and I also use them when I need a card in a rush or have a rush on.

    Our sun was short lived, we got rain too and it's freezing, even put the heat on for a whiz round the rads.

    B x

  4. It's not a cheat when you can put them together and make such lovely cards. They are both beautiful.
    Beryl xx

  5. Very elegant cards, I love irises too, must get some more colours, mine are dark yellow/browns

  6. What fantastic cards - they really are elegant, and you have made them more so with your personal touches and colours.


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