Here's my desk this morning.
It's a bit of a mess. I haven't spent much time there lately, Mr Mojo went on holiday, but I decided to play in my journal and see if I could persuade him to return. This page has been developing for some months but I'm just going to put some wording on it and I think I'm done.
I've spent more time in the garden. I wanted to make some big changes and while the weather has been good I've been moving plants round and clearing out. I also got round to putting out my homemade poppy heads, made from Powertex in the summer. I will probably move them several times until I'm finally happy with where they are but for now I can see them from my kitchen window over the winter.
We had the weird orange sky like the rest of the country yesterday, it was so spooky, dark and orange as it was raining, but then within an hour of getting home, the sun came out and the sky turned blue. I took these photos within an hour of each other!!
Last week we went to Light Night in Leeds. Lots of buildings were illuminated and there were all sorts of things happening all to do with light. It was great. I loved these giant bees that climbed up the front of a hotel.
Well, that's me today. If you want to join us, then pop over to WOYWW Headquarters and join up with the lovely Julia.
Enjoy your Wednesday and Happy Crafting!